DISCIPLINE Behold happy is the man whom God corrects; therefore - TopicsExpress


DISCIPLINE Behold happy is the man whom God corrects; therefore do not despise the chastening of the almighty. (Job 6:18) NKJV. The Bible distinguishes between discipline and punishing. Discipline is a sure evidence of love, and it has a goal, the development of a good character in the one being corrected. Its focus is on training, instructing, correcting and improving - and is often accomplished through pain, sorrow and loss (see Exodus 21:24). Discipline is expected in the home, where parents discipline children. Mutual discipline - that is, people encouraging, correcting and guiding one another and can take place between friends or in the church. God will also discipline those He loves. He is a loving Father to all who trust and believe in Him. And just like an earthly father, God will discipline His children when they do wrong. The love of God reaches beyond that of an earthly father and when He disciplines, He does so out of love and not frustration or anger. Therefore, we His children must embrace Gods correction. Consider it a blessing. Know that it evidences Gods love for you. Proverbs 3:12 says, For whom the Lord loves He corrects, just as a father the son in whom he delights. NKJV. Good morning and God bless folks. Have a great day. Jesus loves you.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 05:25:58 +0000

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