DISSEMINATE THE GOSPEL TO ALL *Satan had declared that if the - TopicsExpress


DISSEMINATE THE GOSPEL TO ALL *Satan had declared that if the Leader would live up to December, 1977, He should be declared as the Almighty God. But now, after so many years, here am I standing. All the churches lately congregated and declared that the Leader had died. As a result of this, those who lacked faith, in the course of coming to ascertain the authenticity of such a statement ended up becoming Brotherhood members * Up till date, those with the inscription C (which means condemned,) on their foreheads are still believing that the Leader is dead. Even when they see Him on the Television they continue to proclaim that it is not the Leader but His identical twin brother. * Their intention had remained that the moment they declared that the Leader is dead that the work of God would also be dead and buried. But when they declared that He is dead, the work continues to expand. * You may not be known by your visual appearance that you are a child of God. But by your behavior and the manner you conduct yourself you will reveal yourself as the child of God. * This is to show to you that we have every cause to rejoice immensely because the Promised Comforter has come to us. Today we have the Counselor and He has overcome, He has conquered and therefore the children of God have also conquered. I want this Gospel to be disseminated to every body so that they realize what Our Lord Jesus Christ said, Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nation for my names sake. And also, If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. Are these not fulfilled today? Are all that was done to Our Lord Jesus Christ, not repeated again today? The people consistently maintain that: But we desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest: for as concerning this sect, we know that everywhere it is spoken against. Everywhere you go, among the old and the young people speak evil against Brotherhood. They allege that Brotherhood is Beelzebub; drinks that it is an embodiment of all evil. They hate Brotherhood and claim that the members are damned. Have you not realized this reality? Whatever happens from day to day is towards the manifestation of the word of God. Serve God only and listen to God and do not lend your ears to the world again. Your brother or sister who is in the world does not love you and will never speak good of you. He will not like to see you and will be a party to any meeting held to hatch plans to kill you. He will conspire with others that you be killed because in his estimation, you have caused much trouble in the family. It is not their wish to show such a behavior. If Our Lord Jesus Christ had said, Then shall deliver you up to the afflicted, and shall kill you and ye shall be hated of all nations for my names sake, why do you still doubt? I on my part, am gladly receiving it. Again, He had said, If the world hates you, you know that it hated me before hated you. That they first hated Him before hating you, what harm did they do to Him? Therefore, you should remain joyous over whatever confronts you. lf from the time of our ancestors, every person had been speaking against this organization, what then is your problem? It is only because you neither read the Holy Bible, listen to the gospel of God nor are you a believer in God. All that beset Our Lord Jesus Christ are those things which were written about Him. Whatever is not written by God Himself, cannot materialize. That why Our Lord Jesus Christ told Pilate, the governor, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore, he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin. Whatever any person is doing in the world, it is only to the extent that God has given him that power. It is on this premise that you should not curse them or claim that they are responsible for such its. Refrain from causing any trouble but show the expression of love to them. The doctrine of this New Kingdom of God is that you should love them, satisfy their needs, bless them, do whatever is good for them. When people make allegations against you, show to them this portion of the Scripture that it is the manifestation of the word of God. You may not be known by your visual appearance that you are a child of God. But by your behavior and the manner you conduct yourself you will reveal yourself as the child of God. If yesterday, you had contemplated doing one thing or the other to your family in order to earn their love for Brotherhood, you are doing it for nothing. For that will never cause them to love Brotherhood. If you also claim that since they have not spoken good about Brotherhood you are not prepared to do anything good for the family, you are merely wasting your time. Continue in your well-doing. Let them accomplish their own part of the job and you must do your own. They are carrying out the handiwork of their father. You should continue to do the work of your Father also. It is said that whoever does righteousness is as righteous as He is Righteous. He who commits evil is of the Satan because Satan delights in evil. This is the close of the era and the work of Satan is to be revealed along with that of the Almighty God. We have cause to rejoice because at no point in time have the children of God been so numerous as they are today. We have everything as well as our own city and institutions. We do not request for food from Satan. Instead, it is Satan who begs us for what to eat. They have no other alternative than to come here for all their needs, because God knows all their wits. The Holy Spirit has cemented such loopholes and laid foundation and has opened the gate of mercy to all the begotten of God. He has seized all their powers because He alone is the custodian of power. Their wisdom, love and all other talents have all been confiscated and locked up. In the past, any person who opted to serve God was denied food, accommodation and everything. Of course when, hit with acute starvation, such people were forced to resign so as to serve Satan. But, on a happy note, such a thing cannot happen today. Now if they are sick, they run here for healing. If they want to know what the future holds, they race here for visions. If they want love, they come here to receive it. If they want truthfulness, it is here that they come to get it. If they want wealth, good health, dancing, songs, peace and all the things of life, it is from here that such things are obtained. Satan in all its ramifications is an agent of trouble. If you want to marry a beautiful woman, she would demand that you should go over to their own church as a condition to get her as your wife. If you are seeking employment, the person in charge would demand that unless you are prepared to declare for his denomination you will not be given any job. In the office, if you are due for promotion, your boss would seek that you become a member of his secret society in order to gain promotion. You should not be infuriated with those who join the different societies, for it is not out of their wish to do so. But they do so to satisfy the whims and caprices of certain highly placed and privileged persons in the world, who will never grant them their rights until they satisfy such a condition. However, in Brotherhood, God has rendered such tendencies null and void. The moment you backslide and start to worship Satan, you are bound to face destruction. You will remember the reply of Our Lord Jesus Christ when the devil, taking Him up into a high mountain, Shewed unto Him all the Kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto Him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. But He said unto him, get thee behind Me, Satan: for it is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve. I am very thankful to God for the covenant He has entered into with the house of Israel. If He had not written His commandment into our hearts, we would have perished. If at a certain time you do not see a Brotherhood member, know that Satan has taken him into the wilderness. But Satan himself is ignorant of the fact that God has written His name on the body of that person. After some time, you will see him shaking off such evil knots and bouncing back to Brotherhood. Satan will always remain there in grief. If you go from the world to preach to a Brotherhood member in order that he may backslide, he will rather convert you into Brotherhood. That is why wherever a Brotherhood member is found, in the office, in the churches, people become apprehensive that he would win all the people there into Brotherhood. This is to show to you that we have every cause to rejoice immensely because the Promised Comforter has come to us. Today we have the Counselor and He has overcome, He has conquered and therefore the children of God have also conquered. This Gospel is preached for a mere formality because the Father has already overcome everything. So that the new members who are now quaking and shivering may find their feet on the ground. Also, those who continue to blaspheme against Brotherhood may realize that they are trying to cause the Word of God to be made manifest. Show to them this Gospel that they may mirror themselves as baseless people. Satan can call to himself millions of witnesses for the lies he has hatched against somebody. BUT GOD IS THE TRUTH. It can be likened to the mustard seed. AND THE TRUTH MUST CONTINUE AND PREVAIL FOREVER. Satan had declared that if the Leader would live up to December, 1977, He should be declared as the Almighty God. But now, after so many years, here am I standing. All the churches lately congregated and declared that the Leader had died. As a result of this, those who lacked faith, in the course of coming to ascertain the authenticity of such a statement ended up becoming Brotherhood members. This alone has brought in so many members into this fold. Up till date, those with the inscription C (which means condemned,) on their foreheads are still believing that the Leader is dead. Even when they see Him on the Television they continue to proclaim that it is not the Leader but His identical twin brother. If it is true that the Leader had died but that His brother is operating in His stead, and the work is experiencing a snowballing progress, it tantamount to the fact that it is the work of God. Their intention had remained that the moment they declared that the Leader is dead that the work of God would also be dead and buried. But when they declared that He is dead, the work continues to expand. They were prophesying as Caiaphas said that He must die in the flesh and live in the spirit. Against this base, the manifestation of their prophesy has come for the Father died in the flesh and now lives in the spirit. You have two ears you can only hear through one ear. Also you have two eyes but it is only with one eye that you see. The eye of Jehovah God is upon the righteous and His ears hearken to their prayers. From now on look at Brotherhood, listen to Brotherhood and pay deaf ears to the people of the world. For it is there that your problem had remained. All the noise made by the worldly people is to precipitate confusion. Little do they realize that the hands holding you will never let you go. Right now many people throughout the whole world are coming here. The entire people of the world are swimming in an ocean of shame. If you go to tell any person that Olumba Olumba Obu is dead, such a person would demand that you get away from him and that he did not know that you could tell such a lie. He would argue with you that the man is alive and kicking. Brethren I do not wish to overload you. It is said that one stroke of the cane is sufficient for the wise. Those who have ears, let them hear. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen. THANK YOU FATHER. BY: LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR EXCERPT FROM : PATIENCE IN TRIBULATION
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 22:00:28 +0000

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