DISSOLVE TO: EXT. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN THE CITY - DAY INSERT: Colorado 1982, Front Range Rocky Mountains CLOSE ON: ‘RYELAND PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL’ on a sign with two supporting brick pillars on the front school lawn and a FLAGPOLE with the flag flying. There’s a mid-thirties female physical education teacher, CEC SANDERS, (played by ?) SHORT, SHOULDER-LENGTH BROWN HAIR, with a WHISTLE around her neck with a group of elementary kids facing each other at ten feet distance partnered up across from one another on the PLAYGROUND throwing and catching LARGE RED RUBBER PLAYGROUND BALLS. LAP DISSOLVE: EXT. HIGH SCHOOL IN THE CITY - SAME CLOSE ON -- ‘PERENNIAL HIGH SCHOOL’ on a sign with two supporting brick pillars on the front school lawn and a FLAGPOLE with the flag flying. DISSOLVE TO: INT. HIGH SCHOOL HALL - SAME CLOSE ON -- ‘SCIENCE’ engraved on a PLAQUE attached to the door. DISSOLVE TO: INT. CLASSROOM - SAME CLOSE ON -- There’s a LARGE AQUARIUM against the wall filled with different varieties of fish. There’s a PICTURE above the aquarium of JACQUES COUSTEAU aboard CALYPSO. Students are sitting in rows of desks. There’s mid-thirties male science teacher, TOM SANDERS, (played by DYLAN HAGGERTY) SHORT, DARK HAIR and CROPPED BEARD, wears WIRE-FRAME GLASSES, walking up the rows passing out papers to the students. TOM I’m proud of this class. Everyone answered the two-part question correctly “Who invented the Aqua-Lung and in what year?” The boys and girls all say outloud simultaneously “Jacque-Yves Cousteau and Emile Gagnan 1943.” DISSOLVE TO: EXT. LAKE ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF THE CITY - DAY Tom, wearing a BALL CAP, and Cec, wearing a VISOR are out on a SMALLER LAKE in the CITY with URBAN SURROUNDINGS, a BIG TALL STEEL-MILL IRON STACK and a HOSPITAL nearby. Tom and Cec are in a MOTORBOAT. They are WATER SKIING, the CITY in the backdrop. Tom, in a LIFE JACKET is driving the boat. Cec, in a LIFE JACKET is in tow on skis behind the boat. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. LIMESTONE, SHALE, AND SANDSTONE CLIFFS - DAY Tom, wearing a BALL CAP, always wearing glasses and Cec wearing a VISOR are hiking around the cliffs. They are dressed in KHAKI SHORTS, WHITE SOCKS, and HIKING BOOTS WITH THICK SOLES. They have BACKPACKS strapped on their backs. Tom is inspecting the rock up close, rubbing his hand on the flat of the rock cliff. TOM This is a fossilized whale tooth embedded into the limestone. Ancient marine animals that have been extinct for millions of years. Most likely Jan Jucetus Hunderi, extinct ancestor to the Baleen whales today, the Humpback, Southern Right, and Blue Whales. CEC Wonder if anyone will ever see our animal rehab cause embedded in history? TOM Not in the city. We need a change of location if we’re ever to rehab wildlife for release. The dream is close. I can feel it. It’s out there—the area backed up to BLM land with some acres for our wildlife rehab center. Both of them, at the same time, so in synch with one another, turn around away from the cliff and look west. PAN CAMERA -- toward a CHAIN OF MOUNTAINS in the distance. DISSOLVE TO: INSERT: A year later... Tom and Cec at the airport standing by a SMALL FOUR-PASSENGER AIRCRAFT with a private pilot in BALL CAP and AVIATOR GLASSES. PILOT Let’s go find your future home. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. ASPEN AIRPORT - DAY CLOSE ON -- ‘AIRPORT ASPEN-PITKIN COUNTY SARDY FIELD’ sign. There’s a LEAR JET on the tarmac. DISSOLVE TO: INT. LEAR JET - SAME John is sitting in the pilot’s seat. Annie is sitting in the passenger seat. They pick up their HEADSETS and place them on their heads over their ears. John maneuvers the controls and they taxi down the runway. They get airborne. DISSOLVE TO: MUSIC CUE - ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH (by JOHN DENVER) INT. PRIVATE SMALL AIRCRAFT - SAME AERIAL SHOT -- HEADSETS on, Tom in the passenger seat and Cec setting in the rear of the plane. CLOSE ON -- Tom has a TOPOGRAPHIC MAP spread out holding it out in front of him. CLOSE ON -- Cec has a 35MM CAMERA strapped around her neck with a LONG TELEPHOTO LENS taking pictures out the window. SCENE NOTE: The pilot flies over a BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAINOUS AREA, at DIFFERENT ANGLES seen from inside the plane for approximately four minutes to accommodate the length of the song. The song has strong relevance to the film storyline. We’re talking environmental conservation, eco-structure, nature, animal and land preservation, and water rights, all things John Denver talks about in the lyrics of the song.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 04:49:29 +0000

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