DITCH THAT ZERO AND GET YOURSELF A HERO! Who is your hero? Is - TopicsExpress


DITCH THAT ZERO AND GET YOURSELF A HERO! Who is your hero? Is it someone who has achieved success in dubious ways i.e. one minute they were poor and the next minute they are rolling in money? Is it someone who has cheated their way to success? Is it someone who has used people to get to where they are? If so, you need to review your hero(s). Life is not about short cuts and cheating your way to success. Success takes a lot of hard work, perseverance, rejection and discipline. This is what will help you survive challenges ahead. For many of us, the time comes when we grow from Boy to Man / Girl to Woman and this means facing up to our responsibilities & conduct - we are the drivers of our destiny and so who we choose to share this journey with, or indeed look up to, may influence the outcome of this journey. Of course, mistakes happen along the way and indeed, no one achieves clean success without making mistakes. In addition, dont reject or abandon a friend or family member on the basis that you dont see immediate returns for you so you head off instead, to the man/woman making promises of short term success. Dont let greed and impatience cloud your judgement. Dont let greedy friends try to tempt you away from a future that could one day pay dividends, to one promising riches today. I have seen too many people, especially young people, fall for this, only to regret it when it is too late and often, after burning their bridges. You may be a person whose hero is someone who always seems to have lots of cash on them and yet no one knows how he/she earns their living or where this cash comes from. When you ask, they say they are an entrepreneur, and yet you see no evidence of this. They seem to have plenty of spare time and weekends are always full of high expenditure - now I ask you this - which clean, successful entrepreneur do you know who has weekends off during the first 5 years of their business? If this hero is a student, you never see him/her studying and yet they still achieve A grades. It doesnt take a genius to figure out, something is not quite what it seems but, to you, this person is a genius at work! Greed gets the better of you and so you too want to have lots of money or top grades without working for it. Well, here is a news alert. There are no short cuts to success! Many a time, our attitudes and behaviour are often influenced and moulded by those who we select as our role model(s) or partners so, be choosy about who you select. I have seen women reject a good man for one promising them a life of riches, only to regret it years later as they comfort themselves clutching their Gucci handbag. I have seen men drop a woman because she was not as pretty as the good time girl he sees at the bar each week, only to regret it when this party girl moves on to the next man, without so much as a backwards glance. Our heroes and role models are humans and make mistakes; this is acceptable. However, someone lazy, disrespectful, showing off their cash will never be my role model. I find it interesting that some of the most successful people I know, are often people who walk in to a room and no one recognises them or looks at them because they dont look like millionaires. This is where people go wrong. Because as your hero shows off his/her cash, the Real millionaires are quietly building their business empires and driving around in their old Fords. So, who is your Hero? Who do you look up to? Whose opinion/ criticism do you value and respect? Whose study or work ethic do you most admire? Choose carefully. Ditch that Zero and get yourself a real HERO! Wishing you all, a good week!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 04:51:22 +0000

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