DJANGO UNCHAINED? Indo-US relations took a bad beating when - TopicsExpress


DJANGO UNCHAINED? Indo-US relations took a bad beating when Nehru went to Stalin for a Bear Hug in early 30s when Stalin was looking at Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru as agents of bourgeoisie and counter-revolutionary forces. Joseph Stalin never had a sympathetic view of Indians fighting for independence and yet Nehru was so hypnotized by the cruel Socialism practiced by Stalin that he decided to give it as a bonus to an independent India whenever it was free. The other gift of course was the Secularism that is haunting us today. As bad luck would have it no sooner India got her freedom and was FIRMLY entrenched onto the lap of Soviets, the United States was seized by a tsunami of McCarthyism which was characterized by heightened political repression against communists. The US as a country was under a siege of fear that Communists are hiding everywhere even under the dining table to influence American institutions. Espionage by Soviet agents was a major worry. And it was during this massive fear psychosis when the US was feeling vulnerable to Communists that Nehru’s action of leaning nicely towards Stalin made things worse. . Nehru’s bonhomie with Stalin made the US alarmed. It was at this time (early 50s) as some evidence suggests that Stalin was raring to use Hydrogen bomb on the US and finish it off once and for all. If as the autobiography of one of Stalin’s bodyguards suggest Stalin was unrelenting when he had to be murdered.The truth may be never known yet it was clear that Stalin’s death was untimely and sudden and may have been premeditated. And it was just before Stalins death that the Americans began patrolling the whole stretch of Iceland 24x7 with two of their most advanced airplanes carrying nuclear bombs to go in the minute Uncle Stalin wanted to play mischief. Of course the Minuteman missile THE ULTIMATE WEAPON was soon developed and it kept the peace and stopped any Soviet mischief. It was a terrible Cold War and was bursting with heat. Even had Nehru wished Stalin Happy Birthday the US would have pressed the alarm button. But Nehru did much more to raise suspicions by hobnobbing with Stalin’s Communists. It was then that the US doctrine came into effect: YOU ARE WITH US OR AGAINST US. After Nehru’s exhaustive Soviet visit in 30s he was convinced of the Command Economy which was nothing but making the Congress a finer version of Stalinist Communist Party. Instead of the Command Economy Soviet style it would have been better had Nehru advocated Chinese type of Communism that would have done much needed justice to the really poor. Nehru being beholden to Stalin’s collectivisation led to distortion in Indian economy and democracy leading to perversions like licence permit raj. Interestingly Sardar was capitalistic while Mahatma Gandhi wanted more rural development without knowing anything about the hybrid communist notions of Nehru. But while Nehru was busy building big dams and industries the rural poor rotted. To save their souls the poor migrated to cities and that is why we see our cities decayed today. Nehru neither made socialism or capitalism work. A caged economy obviously will never work for a larger social goal. All it did was corrupt everyone and usher in mai-baap culture that Congress represented once which degenerated into a Dynastic culture. Mercifully India was unlocked in 1991 and by that time small nations like Korea, Singapore, Thailand Taiwan, Japan had surged far ahead. India would have been a beggared country even today had not Rockefellers foundation helped us in ushering the Green Revolution. Thank God for that or we would be in Nehrus socialistic bullock cart maybe having an iPad or two in our hands. Today Modi has invited Obama and there is lot of talk and waving of hands and MAKE IN INDIA seems to be the mantra. This euphoria looks good. But Indian politicians are master architects building castles in air. The quota ideology is still there to service the poor; there is the secular ideology that blurs the quota ideology to the detriment of Muslims. The question is as Indians have we come out of the Socialist mindset? If the defence purchases are anything to go by we are still tied to Mother Russia’s apron wasting our precious money. Of course we have come a long way when as a bankrupt nation in 1991 forced to pawn 47 tonnes of gold to the Bank of England as collateral for a loan. Thanks to World Bank and IMF arm-twisting us the dinosaurs ruling us soaked in Nehruvian socialism were forced to open up the economy. Doesn’t matter if it was too late as by then China had surged thanks to Deng making China see capitalistic green in 1975. Indian economy is still ailing even if inflation is under control. Foreign investment is still patchy while China is getting far more than us. As if this was not enough the reign of Manmohan Singh had let loose financial scams of Himalayan proportions. What might have saved the day was the animal spirits of our entrepreneurs who are second to none. Those who accused Dhirubhai Ambani of distributing bribes in the corridors of power must know that thanks to people like him we could come this far. Ambani was a realist and his motto was “if you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em”. The alternative was Congress ruining Ambani and wiping him out with legislative repression. We have too many laws to our detriment and none can escape it unless you break it with bribes and political connection. I am happy Narendra Modi has understood about these treacherous laws that brought slavery to the people of India starting from the heydays of Nehruvian Socialism. The very fact that the US has been called to walk the streets of Delhi is a good sign that India has come a long way from the dark socialistic days.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 09:12:48 +0000

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