DNR should reconsider wolf hunt Betsy Wojcik, Post-Crescent - TopicsExpress


DNR should reconsider wolf hunt Betsy Wojcik, Post-Crescent Community Columnist The wolf hunt is set to start Oct. 15 in Wisconsin. This will be the third season on the predators since their protective status was lifted in 2012. The timber wolf is a native species of Wisconsin that was eliminated from the state by 1960. Wolves gained state protection in 1974 and began to repopulate the state on their own in the 1970s. Theyve been quite successful, which led to removing their federal protective status. In 1999, the state set a population goal of 350 wolves with a management plan. Since that plan was set, no adjustments have been made to the target population number, despite learning more about how wolves have settled in the state. The current population is estimated at 660, down 19 percent from the previous year. Most biologists believe that the state could carry closer to 1,000 wolves. Wisconsinoutdoorfun: More wolf hunt news from around the state Trying to hold wolves to a lower number will never be sustainable if thats the case. So why hasnt the state Department of Natural Resources adjusted its goals? Questions have also been raised about the accuracy of the methods used by the DNR to monitor wolf populations. It has been speculated that winter survival rates have been overestimated and that the population could actually be lower than the estimates. In August, the DNR released a draft of a study on state residents attitudes toward wolves. Respondents had mostly favorable views of them. Most residents support the current wolf population numbers or higher numbers. As expected, views were more positive outside of wolf ranges, yet the majority still supported maintaining the current population numbers. Majority public opinion cant be the driving force behind continuing the wolf hunt. Deer hunters were more critical of the wolf population. Hunters commonly argue that wolves are causing fewer hunters to have success in deer season. The data shows that wolves kill fewer deer per year than motorists. So, arguing against cars might be a better use of time. Hunters themselves kill many more deer than cars and wolves combined, so fewer hunters might also improve their seasons. Wolves help to remove the weakest members of the deer herd and force deer to be more mobile. This would allow hunters to see a healthier population of deer that are less likely to be bedded down in one area for prolonged periods of time. The arguments against wolves in relation to deer populations are weak and unfounded. Aldo Leopold, an avid hunter and Wisconsin conservationist, understood the important role that predators, like wolves, have in an ecosystem. He famously wrote of the destruction that unchecked deer herds could have without predators in A Sand County Almanac: I now suspect that just as a deer herd lives in mortal fear of its wolves, so does a mountain live in mortal fear of its deer. Wolf depredation of livestock and dogs is also cited as a reason to lower wolf populations. While I understand the effect a kill can have on a farmer trying to make a living, I cant justify killing a native population in preference for a non-native animal. Perhaps depredation is a threat that must be expected and accounted for in wolf ranges, just like other natural threats such as drought or disease. Wolves rarely target pets in residential areas and most dogs killed by wolves are hounds used for hunting. When hounds are sent into forested areas to train for hunting, they can come across dens or rendezvous sites. Wolves are territorial animals and protective of their pups, leading to attacks on intruders such as hounds. Hunting hounds are costly and require many hours of training. Owners are understandably upset when they lose a hound. However, should an animal intentionally taken into wolf territory for recreational purposes have more importance than a wild, native animal? Admittedly, some of my passion for the wolf population lies in my admiration of the species. Theyve overcome so much to be at the impressive levels they are today. Their image has been portrayed as a villain for many years, but I see them as a symbol of wilderness. I understand their role as a predator, but predators have an important role in every ecosystem. I hope the DNR will strive to improve monitoring of the wolf population and consider creating a new management plan based off carrying capacity and majority resident opinions. I cant support a wolf hunt season at the current population numbers. — Betsy Wojcik is a Winchester resident. She can be reached at pcletters@postcrescent
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 11:29:58 +0000

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