DO NOT LET THEM TAKE AWAY YOUR RIGHT TO REFUSE... It wasnt long after The New York Times (NYT) published an opinion piece calling for the elimination of vaccine exemptions that parents took to the internet to voice their concerns and frustrations with a government and healthcare community that sees no problem infringing upon ones right to opt out. Dr. Kristen Feemster (a pediatric infectious disease Physician) in her NYT article urged the curtailment of philosophical and religious exemptions for the protection of those who cant be vaccinated and for the public good. She further went on to claim that vaccines are safe and effective, that there could be no educated reason for abstaining and that exemptions have increased because people have forgotten what these vaccine-eradicated diseases look like; then she assumed that the scientific healthcare community and parents at large agree on what constitutes the public good. Unfortunately, legislators are buying this view, and states like Colorado, New York, California, Texas, Washington and Oregon are passing strict laws that infringe upon ones right to protect their child from vaccines and that require a brain-washing-like educational talk before opting out and a signed form where a signature can be used as an admission of neglect. Whether you vaccinate or not, we have a problem. We have people suggesting that its the governments place to tell us whats best for our children. We have a healthcare community that is not educated on vaccinations, their ingredients or side-effects, and we have vaccines being injected into our children that have not been subjected to proper research, safety and clinical trials. Its time to wake up and step up before its too late. So what can you do? Go to and sign the petition to add a Parental Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution. Go to and print off the response (thats gone viral) to the NYTs vaccine exemption piece. Educate friends and family members, and email a copy to your state legislator, urging them to vote against any amendment that could infringe upon ones right to refuse. Join anti-vaccine coalitions and Facebook groups so that you can stay informed on the latest threats against your vaccine rights. Most importantly, do not sign any opt-out or liability waiver form at your doctors office. References: nytimes science.naturalnews About the author: Megan Heimer is an attorney, traditional naturopathic doctor, registered yoga teacher, certified natural health educator, and has a bachelors degree in political science. Shes married to a Physician and blogs about all things alternative medicine, whole foods, healthy living, and attachment parenting at Learn more: naturalnews/044488_vaccine_exemptions_parental_rights_New_York_Times.html#ixzz2xIZ2bhFC
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 22:22:22 +0000

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