DO YOU DENY THE LORD? Fear them not therefore: for there is - TopicsExpress


DO YOU DENY THE LORD? Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops ... Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven (Matt 10:26,27,32,33). These very powerful scriptures come with a severe warning, whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. The context here does not support the denial of an unbelieving person, but a believing one. It is clear that this individual to whom Jesus is addressing is an unstable believer. In other words, they believe that Jesus is the Christ, that He can save and deliver and they have experienced His power in private, but the fear of being accepted, love and not persecuted by others have bound them. This is the individual who knows to do right, but in whatever way the crowd in moving, they are moving also. In other words, instead of conducting themselves the way the Lord has taught them to in private, rather than doing that, they deny Him. They do not want to feel like the outcast or the odd ball, so what theyll do is, go along to get along. This beloved is completely contrary to what the Lord asks of us to do. Jesus says that whatsoever he tells us in darkness, we are suppose to share in the light and whatever we hear in the ear, we are to proclaim on housetops. This means, whatever He has taught us in private, we ought to live in public. and whatever truth Hes revealed to us in secret, we should have enough love and boldness for Him we are willing to proclaim it before others. Why ask for more of Him, if we are going to hide Him when we come before others. Facebook is a good place to share Christ, but being face to face with others is even better. We cannot allow ourselves (especially in this hour) to fall into the trap of fear. Fear will have us do things we already know is wrong, and act ways we know we shouldnt just to appease the crowd and be accepted by our peers. We must ask ourselves, how do I conduct myself at the work place, around my family or around those who we consider to be important figures in our lives. If we cannot proclaim Christ in truth ( both in character and in standard) before them, beloved, we are denying the Lord. Just because w e where a Jesus ribbon or carry a Bible doesnt mean we are confessing the Lord. To confess the Lord before others is to live and manifest Him before others. Its to manifest His life, light and love before others, even at the expense of our own comfort and safety. Our confession for Christ must reach further than our lips, it must dominate our lives and influence the lives of those around us. I encourage you beloved, that wherever you go, and whoever you may come into contact with, never deny Jesus to appease them. We dont have to shove Jesus down their throats, but we shouldnt have to shut off the light of His presence either. Be who Christ called you to be, in the house, on the road, at the work place. Be transparent beloved and confess Jesus before all. It is the light of His presence the world needs. If you shut it off, who will be the light that they truly need to see?
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 14:08:06 +0000

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