DO YOU KNOW 1) King James was a Blackman. 2) European - TopicsExpress


DO YOU KNOW 1) King James was a Blackman. 2) European countries were owned and occupied by blacks. 3) Blacks were the first educated people on earth before whites . 4) whites are descendants of Esau (edomites), the bible says they live in Caves (job 30:5-6) at the time we were building the world. 5) The bible says Edomites (whites) likes war. They fought until they overthrown blacks and have everything to their hands. The Mighty One made it to be so….. They taught us how to be terrorist 6) The greatest lies in this world is religion . 7) There is no such thing as white Jesus because there was no J in either Hebrew, Latin or Greek letters at the time . That is while you wouldn’t find names that begin with J in the 1st English king James bible 1611 edition (download it from android market store). 8) Chemicals used in the manufacturing of food we consume are what kills us not the amount of calories or whether red meat. Also unclean food Jon…. 9) Bible is about we blacks , there are more than 17 verses proving that 10) Religion is hoax and deliberately created to deceive the masses into believing whites rule the world and, a distraction from knowing the Most High. The Almighty Father. 11) American is great today is because of blacks (built by slaves). 12) The actual owners of America were Latin Americans . 13) Thanksgiving is the celebration of mass murder of Latin Americans . 14) 25th December is the day set aside for the celebration of birth of god sun by Geeks which generally practice today as Christmas. 15) Easter is hoax …. 16) Blacks were pure before whites spoiled them... 17) Messiah was not crucify rather hanged on either a tree or stake (cross is the symbol of persecution on slaves and Hebrew Israelites). 18) Before white came into Africa, some tribes like IGBO’S from Nigeria ,BANTU from Congo etc were practicing some of the Hebrew traditions . 19) Christians enslaved Hebrew Israelites . 20) There is nothing like Jews since there was no letter J in either Hebrew, Greek or Latin as of then. 21) The actual name of the Most High is Yah derived from the Hebrew word Hallelu-Yah ( praise be to God) and many other means. 22) Not Everything in the bible is was given by the same people that enslaved the Hebrew Israelites. 23) IGBO (a tribe in southern Nigeria) was derived from Hebrew, here is the chain :Hebrew >>Heeboe>>Ebo>>I(g)bo. 24) LORD a title synonymous with JEHOVAH mean BAAL. The bible warns us against. 25) The law in the old testament still stand 1John 3:4 whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. No law =no sin. The only law done away was sacrificial law. 26) The image of Jesus you see everywhere as MESSIAH is actually the pope son Pope Alexander (vi) Cesare Borgia while the other,the actor that play a role of MESSIAH in the movie “Jesus of Nazareth “ 27) The bible says Esau (edomites –whites) is the end of the world and Jacob is the beginning 2 Esdras 6:9.Jacob descendants from black race have done their part which were recorded in the Scriptures, the whites are doing theirs now. Their creativity is drawing many souls away from Almighty Father…. Eg technology 28) The Jews currently in Israel are not the real Jews. They are European Jews, the real Jews are scattered all over the world. The bible says they will come back to Israel which is happening right now (Deuteronomy 28:68). Blacks are gradually awakening to the real truth. 29) Qur’an contains both the traditions of Hebrew Israelites and that added by prophets Mohammed (Mohammed change certain things due to Hebrews Israelites refused joining his religion eg changing days of worshipping from Saturday to Fridays etc). 30) What is happening to Gaza is biblical prophecy! They (Edomites>whites) prosecuted the Most High people, took away their lands and put them into captivity .Amos1:6-8. 31) Pharmacy comes from the word PHARMA meaning sorcery or poison. 32) Slavery is biblical prophecy (Deuteronomy 28:15-68, Luke 21:24,Romans 11:25,Matthew 27:24-25). The bible says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge Hosea 4:6. Go research to found out the truth.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 05:17:19 +0000

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