DO YOU REALIZE THE DIRE CONDITION OUR COUNTRY IS IN? NOW IS THE TIME – You have a computer, a telephone and many other resources. It is critical that you communicate and warn your family, friends & associates to vote out all these liberals that are leading our Country down a treacherous path to socialism. Especially now that the primaries are over. More of Obama’s cronies continuing to “fundamentally changing” of Our Country will kill us. Please, the future of our Country depends on you and all of us working to end the downward spiral we are on. If you think that the liberals threats to our nation are not real, Check the real news, on objective sources, online (Americans for Prosperity, Heritage Foundation or Freedom Watch), but not CNN, CBS, ABC or NBC and affiliates. From a veteran who fears for our future, I urge you to Please pass it on by sending this to all your friends & family! See what these government agencies are doing in taking away our rights. Did you know that the Republican controlled House of Representative passed over 350 bills to abolish Obamacare, approve the pipeline, close the border, etc., and when passed for the Senate to enact, the Democrat controlled Senate refused to act on them. WE CAN’T LET UP TILL THEY ARE OUT OF OFFICE, AND PRAY THAT THIS CAN REACH MANY MILLIONS WITH YOUR HELP. This November is closer than you think. It was reported that 1.2 million Republicans did not vote in 2012. That was the margin needed to defeat Obama. Every vote counts. I am just a concerned citizen, Navy veteran, Honor Guard member of our local American Legion Post and a Christian active in my faith. I am concerned for our families’ future. Help stop this continued tyranny! PRAY! And to all who have Served THANK YOU! And thanks for being my FB friend. GOD BLESS!
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 12:57:35 +0000

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