DOERS OF THE WORD AND THE WORKERS OF INIQUITY The Word is designed for us, to enable us know what God likes and to know what He hates, what He considers as good or evil, righteousness or unrighteousnes, what is acceptable to Him from that which is not. The Word is intended to be obeyed, to keep sin away from us and from everything we say or do, to reform us and make us truthful witnesses and righteous workers for God. Jhn. 17:19 ; Eph. 5:26 ; 2Tim. 3:16,17. The beauty and acceptability of doers of the Word of God depends on the life they live in uprightness. God sees them as His workers because they are upright in all they do, in their private life, as preachers, as prophets, as church leaders, follower, etc. The virtues of divine life is the only means by which the Christian can regulate and comport himself morally with the right mind, with the character, and behavior and be able to do the work of God in truth and righteousness. So the primary duty of a child of God in his call to be a doer of the Word of God is to keep him or herself from sin and be established in righteousness. It is only then they are approved of God and can give the Kind of quality service that would be acceptable to Him, and only then their works can qualified as doing the Word of God. Real doers of the Word are righteous people, they bear the truth, and can actually deliver and help the sinner find God and obtain true salvation. A liar will be a lying preacher, prophet, follower or church leader. What negative attribute the sinner has will certainly corrupt their works, and turn it to the advantage of Devil . Those who are evil, but are yet preachers, prophets, miracle workers, church leaders, deacons, church members, etc. are all workers of iniquity. They are not doers of the word of God, but are rather workers of Devil. Matt. 7:21. Though they may be using the Bible, the name of God and Christ, their works are not acceptable, neither are they profitable to God nor to mankind. Can an evil person make another evil person good? Can a liar make another liar truthful? Can a fornicator change another of his kind? Can a hater and vengeful person make his kind to love and forbear? Can the coveteous, and corrupt person make others decent, or can a demon ruled person deliver others and help them obtain salvation? Never. Just like Jesus said, The blind cannot lead the blind, if the blind lead the blind, they shall all fall into the ditch. Matt. 15:14. They may be very popular preachers, teachers, and prophets with international followership but are nothing more than the Scribes, the Pharisees and false prophets under the Old Covenant who rather than save, exploited and complicated the lives of their gullible followers and made them pay horrible prices through their perverted doctrines . The ones in this generation something even use their followers as baits to acquire more powers from their father Devil. Just as the Pharisees and Scribes managed to preserve their honor in the hearts and minds of their gullible followers by creating wrong impression about holiness in them and made their followers see them as holy on the outside when they were actually unclean, so have the Pharisees of this generation. Matt. 23: 25-28. Though they feigned themselves as very religious people, and took on themselves the responsibility to lead Israel, to serve as a guide to the blind Jew, a light out darkness, and instructors that can make them wise and strengthen them to be able to live right, they themselves were sinful and would not in the least keep any commandment. Matt. 23:1-3. In our generation Those kind of leaders are every where and they constitute the greatest percentage of leaders and prophets in Christendom today? The Pharisees and Scribes worked very hard, they taught, and did many other services, and even put up very fierce resistance against any one who tried to disapprove them. but Jesus rejected their works by calling them hypocrites, and cursed them for the wasting and destruction they caused Israel. While the real doers of Word are blessed, curse is upon every one that is a worker of iniquity. Isa. 33:1. Evangelist, preachers, prophets, church leader like those of the Old abound today with all kinds churches, cooked up doctrines with lying signs and wonders to deceive and exploit their followers, and subject them to similar or even more terrible condition than those of the Pharisees and false prophets of the Old. Jesus advise and warns that except our righteousness exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees we shall in no wise enter the kingdom of God. Friend, if you truly mean well for yourself and want to be saved in the end, you must leave these industrialists and demon ruled evil men and women that sees you as raw material for their wealth, and genuinely seek for your salvation. Do not toy with your salvation in.favour of anyone. Be very sure of that person before you open your heart to them and follow. 1Jhn. 4:1. The followers of the Pharisees could not repent like the followers today, because the doctrines of their leaders lack the light of truth. So followers and like their leaders have kept aside the most relevant aspects of Gods covenant relationship with them which actually gives justification to those who observe them. They have choosen rather to pay tithes and offerings and gifts with income made through corruption. Matt. 23:23. Because of the corrupt minds and lusts of these modern day group of Pharisees and devilish prophets for the financial and material gains attached to their ministery their minds have waxed gross. They now esteem and place greater value for worldly things more than God Himself. Matt. 23: 16-22,24; Phil. 3:18. For instance, they have perverted the word of God and made their followers to hold the belief that no matter the evil they commit, God would forgive them, but should they fail to pay their tithes and give fat offerings, they will be cast into hell. With This and many other false doctrines they have made sin appear very minor on the minds of the myriads of their followers, and systematically build the heart of. Impunity such that the follower commits evil deliberately and confess at random as if Christianity is practicable in sin. This is why you are fast loosing the fear and respect you have for God. With their perverted doctrines and the spirits of demons in such people, they have become stumbling block and hindrance to the salvation of their followers, and even make them worse than themselves. They are not interested in going to heaven, neither are they willing to give way for you to enter. Matt. 23: 13,15. Every leader and followers who do not obey the truth, no matter who you may be are all workers of iniquity and will never enter the kingdom of heaven unless you repent. Salvation is not a matter of the titles you hold in church. Do not deceive yourself and stand in defense of any body, religion, church or church leader, rather, stand in defense of your own salvation. Ensure it is the truth you have found, and it is the truth you are walking in, because it is only the truth that can save you. On the day of judgment no one of them will stand for or with you, you will be on your own. So dont endanger yourself for their corrupt intents. Now is the time to strive for your salvation. Those who are doers of the Word use the knowledge of the truth as the basis for judgment and to identify the genuine and false ministers in the world. Seek the truth and use it, Genuinely repent and be saved. No Sinner Is Christian. 1 Jhn. 3:9.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 15:45:02 +0000

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