DOES A TIME COME THE MEDIA BECOMES CRIMINALLY NEGLIGENT? I am dead serious about that question. I don’t care what you read or what you watch, and before you ask, yes that includes Fox News! Here is why I ask: I began getting nasty emails early yesterday afternoon about what gullible fool I am for spouting off at every opportunity about the coming financial apocalypse. The individual was an alleged conservative too. The only reason I have reason to believe the person is conservative, is they had a website address in their signature, and after visiting the website two things were obvious: 1) It was a horrible site; and 2) It was conservative. Apparently this person had nothing better to do, because when I woke up this morning there was multiple emails in my inbox. I ended up blocking future emails, but THAT gets to the heart of my question about the media. Conservative or not, OBVIOUSLY this person has been drinking the Cool-Aid. ARE THE 36 BANKERS LISTED BELOW GULLIBLE TOO? HOW MANY HAVE YOU HEARD THE MEDIA REPORT ON? HAS THE MEDIA REPORTED OBAMA’S PURGE OF OVER 300 OF THE HIGHEST RANKED OFFICERS IN THE MILITARY, INCLUDING SEVERAL ADMIRALS AND EVEN SEVERAL GENERALS? ARE THE TWO RELATED? YOU BET! SEE MOST OF THOSE OFFICERS LISTED BY NAME AND RAND HERE: HOW have Americans allowed themselves to be dumbed down so much? How are people ok with NOT being INFORMED? There are millions of people right now, many with children, who could be stockpiling for when the crash comes, but since they hear no HONEST discussion to inform them otherwise, they carry on as if everything is fine. EVERYTHING IS NOT FINE! ASK THE FAMILIES OF THESE 36 PEOPLE! Read on...
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 18:48:00 +0000

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