DOG THE CAT; CAT LOVER IS ME Or How I Became a Cat Lover - TopicsExpress


DOG THE CAT; CAT LOVER IS ME Or How I Became a Cat Lover From the time I was a little boy a wanted a dog that would sleep in my bed with me. None would. I moved around in my sleep, but even before I fell into sleep, I would feel the dog jump off the bed. I never had a cat. Not until I moved in with Sweetest Mary did I know the love of a loving cat. She had two cats. A short haired dark grey older cat we called Mama Cat because she had had kittens that were given away, and a stray, blond, long haired cat we started calling Dog, that Mary had taken in. Mama Cat and Dog did not get along but never actually came to blows. I lived with Sweetest Mary for two years and then two more years, off and on. Dog would always come to me when I was gone for a while and jump in my lap or on the bed. Dog would always jump on the bed and sleep with me. He liked to hunt at night and usually called to us to let him in about midnight. Both cats liked to sleep with us but Dog would make Mama Cat leave or stay at the end of the bed. Mama Cat was older and smaller. Dog would be snuggled up between my arm and chest, or under my right ear, in the morning, when I woke up. He did this in the day also if I were sleeping. Always with me, rarely with Sweetest Mary. When I was not around for a while, Dog would always run to greet me. Dog let me see how dirty dogs were. They licked their butts and other places and then wanted to lick your face and mouth. When people let their dogs do that it discuses me. They poop and pee all over the place, whereas Dog and Mama Cat kept themselves clean and did not lick us and relieved themselves in the litter box. I loved those cats, especially Dog. Dog hunted birds, mice and rats. He would put them in the front yard with their brains eaten and no other part. More on Dog later Dog #2 When Sweetest Mary lost her beautiful home, she gave Dog to her mentally ill son. He is a nice person but very irresponsible. His girlfriend and /her two sons were twice as bad and I was afraid the cat would be hurt. I never thought Mary would do such a thing. Their houses were always filthy and they were constantly being evicted. I went with Mary to their house to see his little girl and Dog but I would not go in. The girl came, gave me a hug, and brought a book for me to read to her. I was to do that at Mary’s home and she and Dog would snuggle up to me as I read. You would think the cat understood the stories. Dog came running into my lap. It was all I could do to keep my tears at bay. She was about four but could not talk where I could understand her, but she could tell I cared for her. I wanted to take Dog but I was living in my van and did not think I would be able to protect her from all the dogs in the park were I stayed by the YMCA. They were evicted right after that and left Dog to fend for himself. I developed resentment towards Mary for that. She should have called me to get Dog. I truly loved that cat and she knew it. I guess I hold that against Mary, although she took good care of the cats when she had her home. They always had food and good medical care and Dog even had to have an operation on its lower jaw where it was torn open probably in a fight. We nurse him back to health over a three-week period as I put antibiotic cream on his wound and stitches. He would never fight me as most animals do when you have to touch a wound. Mary said see went to where her son lived and called for Dog but he was gone. I am very mad at myself for not taking Dog. I let him down. I think about that almost daily. I sorely loved that cat and Mama Cat, too. In addition, they loved me. Mary has six sons and a daughter and even though she took care of their animals, they would not help Mary. Bastards. Dog was a rare cat. Full of affection and trust. I let him down. I should have taken him away from them, no matter what they said, I should have told them I was taking the cat to get some cat food and never came back. I do not know what Mary would have said, as she was with me. In addition, the little girl liked the cat. The great thing Dog did for me was to show me that all my life I craved affection but hid those feelings from myself, until Dog showed me how much I wanted it, and now miss his affections terribly. I think I must have thought it showed weakness. Dumb me. Now it is almost too late to be able to show affection, for I have no one to show them too personally. Any longer
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 21:22:33 +0000

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