DONT PLAY THE MAJORITY RULE TAKE RISKS!!! Todays reading is from - TopicsExpress


DONT PLAY THE MAJORITY RULE TAKE RISKS!!! Todays reading is from Esther3:12-16 when Esthers words were reported to Modecai, he sent back this answer.Do not think that because you are in the kings house you alone of all the jews will escape.For if you remain silent at this time relief & deliverance for the jews will arise from another place, but you and your fathers family will perish. Emphasis is on 16, where Esther had requested all the jews to fast as she did too.Then she said, when this is done i will go to the king, even though its against the law, and if i perish, i perish.. Now it was the custom of that country by then, that nobody dared to go in the presence of the king unless she/he was invited.. In other words amongst all the queens that existed before Esther, It was only Esther who was willing to take the risk in order to save her people.. Now, could it be you are the one i want to talk to this morning.. How many times have you wished to have, to be , to become, yet you are playing the majority rule.. If you areva student and you want to perform exemplary, it will require you to burn the extra hours at night while your coleagues are sleeping, or minimize your social life for the sake of those As you are wishing to have.. If you are there and you so wish and desire to know God, i will tell you from experience.. You say goodbye, to extra television hours... You say goodbye to social life especially outings.. You say goodbye to secular related stuff.. You take a risk of spending more hours with God, reading the bible all the time, praying, sacrificing your substance on the altar( when my friends are busy investing in cloths, property, friends etc- i mean theres nothing wrong with that, i am busy investing on the altar, that is something God dropped heavy in my heart) No offence.. Its good to save and invest for the future, but i decided to take a risk and invest for my family future at the altar.. If you are there and you desire to be the best entreprenuer Go that extra mile, of studying the market,who the conpetitors of the market, thats how you will discover your niche market- sorry for non business friends.. If you are there and you wish to be the best wife/ husband, go that extra mile of laying your hands on books that have been written about that, if you are in marriage,you can spent that hard to come by coin, by visiting marriage seminars, workshops etc.. Its called taking a risk.. Most people who shine and stand out in life, are those who are willing to go that extra mile.. Somebody is asking, but i am struggling, i hate my job coz its nor well paying, i hate my husband/ wife, i failed my exams where do i start???? Thats where you go wrong... You possess what you confess just incase you forgot.. Your feet can never go where your mind has never taken you.. In simple terms, Esther believed in herself, thats why she dared to take that risk, she also was a strong believer of the God of Israel thats why she called for a fast.. I want you to have a meeting with yourself... Take a moment and write what you would love to be or do in the next few years, without putting much emphasis in where you are.. Start by praying about it and reminding God of his promises in your life.. Claim all the promises of God in line with your desired goals... Run with it, for the remaining months of the year.. Believe in the God of impossibilities and be determined to go to another level.. One step at a time, start doing something, i mean if you prayed one minute a day, make it two this time.. If you never did your personal studies, students out there, start with only 30mins.. If you have been a daily complainer, start by thanking God atleast even one time in a day.. I can go on and on but i believe the point has sank home... Esther did it, and she defied the norm by going in the presence of the king without invitation, and to make the long story short, she achieved her goal of saving Israel from the death... You too can achieve your goals If you put your mind to it.. I DARE YOU TO TAKE THE RISK AND BELIEVE IN THE GOD OF IMPOSSIBILITIES!!! He is no RESPECTOR of persons .. You can do it!!! God bless you.. Shalom!!!
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 03:25:15 +0000

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