DON’T DO STUPID STUFF IS NOT A ORGANIZING PRINCIPLE And that line is just one of the salvos that Hillary Clinton lobbed at the Obama administration in a recent interview she did with The Atlantic where she was very critical of the decisions that Obama made in reference to Syria. Clinton also stated that is was a FAILURE on Obama’s part not to back the Syrian rebels.. One Liberal analyst said Clinton was being DISLOYAL to Obama.. Pres Obama disagreed with Clinton’s assessment very strongly saying, that any notion that supporting the Syrian rebels would’ve produced a better result is “HORSESH*T!” [Yes, Obama said horse poo] MY THOUGHTS: Now, we all know why Hillary is doing this.. She is trying to separate herself from Obama, while at the same time trying to come across as a MODERATE.. PROBLEM: Hillary was the Sec of State during the Syria REDLINE debacle and if I remember her right, she was touting the Obama policy, she didn’t seem to disagree with any of it then. So, I am a bit confused as to why Hillary would think by saying this would get her some breathing room. But then again, this is the same woman who went out and said she made a combat landing in Bosnia and famously shouted during a congressional hearing on the Benghazi massacre, “What difference does it make?!” in reference to how American citizens died during the night of the attack. Far be it from me to AGREE with a liberal from time to time, but I agree with the liberal that Hillary is in fact being disloyal to Obama.. You were Sec of State for four years and you got nothing accomplished other than leaving Americans to the mercy of terrorist, right along with Obama, but now you have the gall to put yourself on some pedestal as if you have been galloping moderate trying to persuade Obama to do the right thing all along?!?! Do yall see what she is doing? She is playing Obama’s game.. Nothing was her fault.. It was somebody else’s… I was just the Secretary of State, my hands were tied.. For some reason, I feel compelled to let Hillary just keep talking uninterrupted..
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 18:56:03 +0000

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