DON’T LOSE HOPE; GOD IS GOING TO MAKE A WAY FOR YOU! I can see how you are faking a smile on your face but you are not happy at all. You are hurting inside and you are so stressed. It’s like you are under a time bomb. You now feel like it’s getting late for you. You are so confused. You have got worries, troubles, heartaches and pains. You really want to make things right, you want to make someone happy, you want make that person be proud of you, you want to fulfill your dreams and goals but everything is still hard for you now. You want to be somewhere with that person but the way is still blocked. You now need comfort and someone to lean but all those who are around you don’t seem to understand your situation. They just think that you don’t want to be happy. They think that you want to be in that kind of miserable life. Now you all alone, you have no one to share with all what you are going through. You need some comfort, attention, care and some love. You need someone to be there for you, to encourage you and to give you hope but that person is not there for you. You are hurting and so stressed now. You feel like You are the only one going through that situation in this world. You hate yourself, your life and your situation and you feel like giving up. But I tell you what my friend? You aren’t alone in this situation. Many people are out there in are worse situation than yours but they are still holding on and they still have hope. So you too don’t lose hope, just keep trying and pray more to God. Pray to him every moment you get, make him your friend, your lover, your adviser, your comforter and everything. Trust me He won’t get tired of you and he won’t forsake you. He won’t get tired of listening to your problems. He’ll always stick by your side, he’ll carry you through that storm, he’ll make You somebody to everyone, and he’ll silent all those people who don’t wish you well and all those who think that you won’t make it. Lean on God, be patient with him and he’ll perform miracles in your life that will give you endless happiness. AMEN
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 16:52:31 +0000

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