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DOWNLOAD BOOK- From the In­side Flap Muham­mad: a frank look at his in­flu­en­tial (and vi­o­lent) life and teach­ings In The Truth about Muham­mad, New York Times best­selling au­thor and Islam ex­pert Robert Spencer of­fers an hon­est and telling por­trait of the founder of Is­lam-per­haps the first such por­trait in half a cen­tu­ry-un­bound­ed by fear and po­lit­i­cal cor­rect­ness, un­flinch­ing, and will­ing to face the hard facts about Muham­mad’s life that con­tin­ue to af­fect our world today. From Muham­mad’s first “rev­e­la­tion” from Allah (which filled him with ter­ror that he was de­mon­pos­sessed) to his deathbed (from which he called down curs­es upon Jews and Chris­tians), it’s all here-told with ex­ten­sive doc­u­men­ta­tion from the sources that Mus­lims them­selves con­sid­er most re­li­able about Muham­mad. Spencer de­tails Muham­mad’s de­vel­op­ment from a preach­er of hell­fire and damna­tion into a po­lit­i­cal and mil­i­tary lead­er who ex­pand­ed his rule by force of arms, promis­ing his war­riors lurid­ly phys­i­cal de­lights in Par­adise if they were killed in his cause. He ex­plains how the Qur’an’s teach­ing on war­fare against un­be­liev­ers de­vel­oped-with con­stant war to es­tab­lish the hege­mo­ny of Is­lam­ic law as the last stage. Spencer also gives the truth about Muham­mad’s con­ve­nient “rev­e­la­tions” jus­ti­fy­ing his own li­cen­tious­ness; his joy in the bru­tal mur­ders of his en­e­mies; and above all, his clear march­ing or­ders to his fol­low­ers to con­vert non-Mus­lims to Is­lam-or force them to live as in­fe­ri­ors under Is­lam­ic rule. In The Truth about Muham­mad, you’ll learn… The truth about Muhammad’s multiple marriages (including one to a nine-year-old) How Muhammad set legal standards that make it virtually impossible to prove rape in Islamic countries How Muhammad’s example justifies jihad and terrorism The real “Satanic verses” incident (not the Salman Rushdie version) that remains a scandal to Muslims How Muhammad’s faulty knowledge of Judaism and Christianity has influenced Islamic theology—and colored Muslim relations with Jews and Christians to this day. Rec­og­niz­ing the true na­ture of Islam, Spencer ar­gues, is es­sen­tial for judg­ing the prospects for largescale Is­lam­ic re­form, the ef­fec­tive pros­e­cu­tion of the War on Ter­ror, the democ­ra­cy pro­ject in Afghanistan and Iraq, and im­mi­gra­tion and bor­der con­trol to pro­tect the Unit­ed States from ter­ror­ism. All of which makes it cru­cial for every cit­i­zen (and pol­i­cy­mak­er) who loves free­dom to read and pon­der The Truth about Muham­mad.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 17:21:17 +0000

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