DR IFEANYI UBAH AT ASA-USA CONVENTION IN TAMPAFLORIDA-WE CAME, WE SAW- HE CONQUERED The much billed ASA USA convention finally took place in Tampa, Florida on October 12, 2013; in attendance were noble citizens like Igwe Anukwu of Mbaukwu town alongside with the current Governor of Anambra State his Exellency Mr Peter Obi, and two of the contesting candidates for Anambra gubernatorial election Chief Willie Obiano of All Progressive Grand Alliance{APGA) and Dr Patrick Ifeanyi Ubah (Ebubechukwu-Uzo) of Labor Party(LP) including their parties Chairmen Chief Victor Umeh and Chief Dan Anyanwu. While I commend the organizing committee of ASA-USA for making this forum possible- a rare event that is geared towards involving our people in diaspora in the discourse of the political situation in our home state: this particular convention became a platform for two of the candidates contesting for the government house in Awka to answer to our constituency about their political idoelogy for the state. The self acclaimed former Managing Director of Fidelity Bank was the first to speak about APGA’s need for continuity based on their failed manisfesto of the so-called ANIDS. His initail attempt to exhibit his schorlarly skills and command of english language suffered a heavy set back when he failed to complete his opening sentence in english and he quickly apologized to the forum-that since this was an Igbo speaking audience there has to be a combination of of the later and former in addressing the audience. Apology accepted- however Chief Obiano who visibily was unprepared continued to bable on different subject matters ranging from education, social welfare, heatlh care, economic development ,anti graft implementation and general governmental accountability. Dr Ifeanyi Ubah who has suffered severly from false propaganda, engineered by the surrogates of the power that be, finally got his chance to explain his vision for the state. Ranging from insecurity to job creation, provision of social welfare and revampification of the state economy. Dr Ubah who was insulted by his opponent of lacking the academic credentials to run the state held the crowd spellbound with a true enumeration of his manifesto. Holding nor bares he gave a detailed account of his vision to transform our state to a world class region comparable to Dubai UAE. Dr Ubah went in detail to explain the fact that without job creation, the bane of insecurity in our home state will have a continous life line. He then went on to buttress his facts with plans of creating four small scale industries in every local govenment od the state with a strategic recipe of involving foreign investors by first creating a private power plant for the state to curb the energy problem that has remained a key detterent for foreign participation in industrial development of our state. Without false promises about free education-Dr Ubah expressed his plans to support the less privileged like orphans and widows with thesame initiative-for those in true need. He outlined his plans of revamping the health care system in the state by constructing and equipping new hospitals with state of the art medical instruments and involving expatraites where needed. Dr Ubah who was unstoppable continued to explain with facts some inuendos and false dreams that has been sold to our constituencies such as the dregding of river Niger to make it an international seaport- gave concrete reasons why a more conservative jetty is attainable. On the much publicized discovery of oil in the Anambra river basin and our anticipated output, Dr Ubah, the master oil magnate explained to the audience that when fully developed this new found black gold can only serve the local market with no potential for export capability. When he spoke, the crowd listened, and gave resounding ovation in unism of appreciation of the free tuition. On and on, Dr Ubah went at length to educate the aclaimed masters of economics with facts and figures relative to better governance with clear sincerity on all subject matters. While Dr Ubah expressed his commitment to share power with his deputy Dr Emeka Eze in delivering the dividends of democracy; his opponent Chief Obiano couldn’t remeber the name of his runinng mate Mr Nkem Okeke in an apparent daze of confussion. At this juncture his Excelleny Mr Peter Obi raised his hand to interject in the debate in a desperate attempt to save his protege. The ASA-USA moderator almost granted him that wish, but this was quickly challenged by the Labor Party delegates from Los angeles, who insisted that the debate was between the two contestants and that the current governor was not a candidate. At this point Igwe Anukwu intervened, peace and order was restored averting a walk out by some of the dignatries who agreed that both candidates ought to speak for themselves-although Governor Obi was later granted audience to address the crowd. Chief Obiano from the outset was never a match for the the experienced oil maganate on any issue, Dr Ubah sliced, diced and captivated the audience on every subject matter- and could have gone on all night with his lecture. In the end he retired with two phrases “ IN SHORT, I’M DONE” prompting the audience to rise to their feet with an exclamatory and resounding ovation, In deed we came, we saw and he conquered. Leaders are indeed born and not made out of half-baked political machinery. Dr Patrick Ubah is patrotic.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 19:10:42 +0000

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