DR. PATRICK IFEANYI UBAH(EBUBECHUKWU UZO NNEWI),A PHENOMENON! I have a friend called Sco Bishop(not real name), a stickler for piety, an apostle of equity, justice and fairness, a untainted realist, a practicing christian and above all, a partisan politician and a political analyst. Two years ago, in one of our usual exchange of political banters, he told me that the aforementioned character will contest for governorship of Anambra state. I did not believe him cause i saw the character as a political neophyte,a green horn in the murky waters of Anambra state politics, so i did not worry my head. My friend Sco Bishop, not given to too much talk, rather decided to remain unsaid and watch as events would unfold Almost two years after our chat on this character, my friend has been vindicated, his prediction on this politician has come to pass. Dr. Patrick ifeanyi Ubah, is a colossus, a rising tide, a tumult, rising from obscurity to a political phenomenon. Since he made his intention to run for the gubernatorial election, feathers have been ruffled, politicians have cowered at his sight, strange bed fellows have congregated into an alliance, just to stop this enigma. Politicians that have bequeathed us a fractured and flatulent society cum governance, have masked as ventriloquists, just to undo him but this man has always emerged unstoppable. Since his indication to govern Anambra state, the followership has been unequalled, the grassroot acceptance is overwhelming. This man"s philanthropy is confounding, he doles out recompense and aid to those who show quintessence in the delivery of assignations and those also in need. The superfluity of his philanthropy transcends consanguinity, maze of destitutes crave his attention daily. No wonder this enigma decided to offer himself for service, to emancipate Anambra people from despondency. I have not met this fellow but his antecedents, gives room for hope. His resolve to create jobs for Anambra people if elected ,by building factories across the state is timely and commendable. He said the factories will be solely indigenous, which will swallow the large number of the unemployed who resort to violence and other vices. He said he will reduce crime and increase security, his idea to boost the revenue of the state to four billion naira monthly is ingenious. I am not holding brief for this personality but let us look at the fecundity of his objectivity. He is fresh, untainted, promising and is a harbinger of hope. My worry is his fraternity with Engr. Arthur Eze, this man exudes ill-luck, failure and he is a prophet of doom. In one of his speeches during Dr. Ifeanyi patrick Ubah!s rally, he said and i quote, "Whoever i say will be governor of this state will be governor because most of these people are not interested in the welfare of the people" A splendid speech,laced with hope and grandiose assurance. But let me take us down memory lane, during the Abacha era when Joy Emordi was contesting for the governorship of Anambra state in 1998 under UNCP, Arthur Eze aligned with her, made the same speech he has just made. Joy Emordi never became the governor though the whole exercise was cancelled by Abdusalami Abubakar. In 2010,during the rally of Dr. Chukwuma soludo at Holy Trinity field in Onitsha, Dr. Arthur Eze mounted the podium, poured scorn on those contesting against Soludo, he bragged that those opposing Dr Soludo were his boys and that Chukwuma soludo will be governor. At the end, he disappointed himself and Dr. Chukwuma Soludo. Three years after, the same Arthur Eze is saying the Dr. Ifeanyi Paatrick Ubah is the right man, the right governor in the making. Our people say once bitten, twice shy, Arthur Eze is a polical liability, he does not command followership, he is an opportunist craving for indulgence and attention. I want to warn Dr. Ifeanyi patrick Ubah to be careful Arthur Eze and his ilk, his hobnobbing with some politicians of disrepute might not only put spanner in his works, he might also loose credibility in the process. he should put such people at bay, if not in abeyance. I hope the dream and aspiration of Dr Ifeanyi patrick Ubah is not truncated. EBUBECHUKWU UZO NNEWI! JIRI YA GABA!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 17:40:16 +0000

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