[DR] Thoughts on the weekend: I ended up focusing a lot on my - TopicsExpress


[DR] Thoughts on the weekend: I ended up focusing a lot on my marshal position. I volunteered for some time at check in, and helped some of the other marshals cover the desk Saturday afternoon while a mod ran late. I really enjoyed the desk time, and I really like all the organizing and issuing cards and stuff. I know its weird, but Im OCD about that kind of stuff. I was kind of timid during my shift, and I hope I didnt fail my NPCs too badly. Its a lot more challenging than it appears, but I hope I did decently with the in-field work. The first few groups of raiders were a little rough, but after midnight when it became a little more freeform, I think I did better. I was really glad for James mentoring, even though he still calls me Robert. Game wise, Patchwork did pretty well. I posted flyers around town, and got a lot of good feedback from them. I really want buttons or patches to mark my team, cause I think thats the final step In making it really work. I also need a better roster list, cause Im sure some people didnt get their cut of Brass. We got a few new prints, and got dues paid, and most folks got at netter brass payment, so we did pretty good. I built a Medics Medical Bay, and picked a new spot for it this season, so Im pretty interested in feedback on the new locale. I ended being the only doctor that didnt get a Doctor Bag item it seems, but Im glad the ones that got them got something neat. Im just a bit jealous of Boothe (Emily) and Thursday (Melissa) now. I tried something new this time, which Im going to consider for next time. When I go to Ops for NPC shift, Im going to pick a new player and let them borrow a piece of equipment while Im gone, to help them feel cool. The look on a new players face when they get to suddenly swing for 7s is pretty rewarding. I got to thank Seth for that idea though. I got some surprising opportunities for character development. Creed is without a family, but Im thinking about going towards one this season. I got a lot of RP with the implosion of the Addams Family, so its definitely something to look forward to next game with Julie. I also got a few stamps on my Red Windmill card, and had a great interaction with Joshs new character and Rajah (Theresa). The MGD plot by Zachary was pretty amazing, and as soon as I heard they were in town, I sprinted from Kiva to the pack of deer by Hopes Edge, to shout Analyze Creature! Lore: Mutated Animals!. The look of confusion on the NPC faces was awesome, but they had no idea why I was so happy to use a skill. I finally got to use my new lore when the SlaughterGoat Deer showed up. It was cool to get to see Scuttle (Riva) get some more spotlight with the MGD plot, and get some cool new items from it. I enjoyed the Raider God mod from Harrison, but I was a little brain dead from the Friday overnight shift, so his puzzle encounter kinda of defeated me. Doing math puzzles on no sleep is hard. I glad our team of researchers had more sleep and math skills than me. ;) Friday night was awesome. I enjoyed breaking up player expectations a bit, and I enjoyed creeping out the players that were still up. I didnt even have to throw a skill to make players run in terror. Maybe Ill get another chance to do stuff like that. It was a blast! I had a really special moment with Michael, Saturday before NPC shift. Creed was a little tipsy from too much Sweet Georgia Moonshine, and while prepping dinner started talking about getting food for his deceased wife and daughter. Woni went along with the delusion and said Yes, Dad, and it was pretty amazing even though he probably didnt realize how he helped that scene for me. I also really enjoyed teaching Autumn how to fix limb on a Whip (Charles). The Creed Method will spread to PNW now. I got to RP a lot this game, and really set a direction for character growth this season. I cant wait for next game.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 15:08:33 +0000

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