DRACULA: THE REAL UNTOLD STORY In Ancient Rome, Emperor - TopicsExpress


DRACULA: THE REAL UNTOLD STORY In Ancient Rome, Emperor Constantines penchant for creating religions by mixing it with its own Babylonian occult religion to stamped out Jews and Christians by diluting it (Nicolaitinism/Ecumenism) thereby producing ROMAN CATHOLOCISM is giving him more power than ever. A CAESAR of the Empire ( with Temporal powers) and CAESAR of the ‘Church’ as POPE ( with Apostolic succession). The more they persecute and murder Christians and Jews, the growth becomes more evident. So the only way, is to make an open declaration that you have become one of them. But not everyone believed his declaration so they went underground even using catacombs. So he would send wolves to infiltrate Christian meetings. WOLVES who would say that they are Christians. But how to get into those meetings to be confirmed that you are one of them, needs a password. And that password is the symbol of a FISH. When those wolves get the trust of the Jews and Christians, Constantine send his mercenaries to kill them. But Constantine has other problems, three kingdoms he called ‘barbarians’ are holding a siege outside Rome’s gates. They were the Vandals, Visigoths and the Ostrogoths. They wanted revenge for what Rome did to them. Rome’s Empire fell in their hands, but their new ‘church religion’ flourished. The Roman Catholic religion became the ultimate engine in destroying their ‘enemies’. The three kingdoms were totally destroyed to its roots. It was called the Inquistion. Meanwhile, JESUS DISCIPLES were leading and building churches throughout the Jerusalem, Samaria, Middle East, Asia Minor, Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean through PETER (to the Jews), James, Phillip, Barnabas, Mark, Andrew, Stephen, John, Judas (the brother of Jesus), Silas and PAUL( to the Gentiles). Paul established SEVEN churches in Asia Minor, written in the BOOK of REVELATION. Emperor Constantine created another Synod in how to destroy those churches. A general named Maximus was sent to destroy them. Out from the destruction, a diluted kind of religion was born, the EASTERN ORTHODOX religion. Constantine established an outpost there and called it Constantinople ( modern- day Istanbul, Turkey). The place has already an established kingdom called the BYZANTINE EMPIRE, ruled by Emperor Justinian. After the Fall of the Roman Empire, Constantine wanted the Byzantine Empire as the NEW ROME. So instead being ruled by a CAESAR (State Emperor ), it is now ruled by another kind of CAESAR (Church Pope). The Byzantine Empire did not wish to be a part of the fallen Roman Empire nor its new religion. The Roman Empire and Byzantium has always been at odds thru its religions, philosophy, trade and industry. Byzantium would not pledge loyalty to them. But ROME would not accept this. Another Synod, another religion. This time, Rome used the Moors/Turks/Seleucids and the Saracens to conquer the BYZANTINE EMPIRE. The new Empire that took its place was called the OTTOMAN EMPIRE. And the new religion was called ISLAM. The ‘prophet’ MOHAMMAD was the PIED PIPER hired by the Pope to do his Crusades for him. The PAPAL CRUSADES or the Pope ‘holy wars’ was established out from the SYNOD to wipe out Gods people. The Papal Crusades, started officially November 27, 1088 (The coming of the Winter Solstice), THE FIRST CRUSADE was declared by POPE URBAN II, calling all CATHOLICS all over Europe to become CRUSADERS/ KNIGHTS to defend Roman Catholic Church to and this time to capture JERUSALEM to make it the SEAT of PAPACY. The PILGRIMAGE of those who HEEDED THE CALL (As they were promised noble ranks, land titles, gold and silver) WERE INSTRUCTED TO KILL ALL JEWISH and CHRISTIAN MEN, RAPED ALL JEWISH and CHRISTIAN WOMEN (to become outcasts of the society that gave birth to half-breeds), UNTIL THEY CAPTURED JERUSALEM. Those HALF-BREEDS were ADOPTED by the POPE and were TRAINED to go AGAINST THEIR OWN RACE and FAITH, that OUTCAST THEM. THOSE BRAINWASHED CHILDREN BECAME A PART OF THE CRUSADE called THE CHILDRENS CRUSADE. Mohammad, the ‘Prophet’/’Pied Piper’/ Pope’s Henchman, was asking for his fees/wages. But the Pope did NOT PAY him for HIS WORK. The Ottoman Turk was so furious that he took all the children away. He did not deliver them for the Pope’s purpose. The Ottoman Empire proceeded in capturing JERUSALEM without the Pope’s knowledge and the company of the Catholic crusaders. For these betrayal, the Pope put an enmity between the Roman Catholics and the Moslems. There wars was still in the expense of Jews and Christians. VLAD II of WALLACHIA, TRANSYLVANIA in Romania heeded the call to become one of the Popes Knights to capture Jerusalem for the seat of Papacy. In fact, Vlad II enter a secret fraternal order of knights called the ORDER of the DRAGON (Lucifer) to uphold CATHOLICISM and defend their kingdom against the Ottoman Turks, the Pope’s new enemies. Its emblem was a dragon, wings extended, hanging on a CROSS. Vlad III’s father (Vlad II) was admitted to the Order around 1431 because of his bravery in fighting the Turks. The word for dragon in Romanian is drac and ul is the definitive article. Vlad III’s father thus came to be known as Vlad Dracul, or Vlad the dragon. In Romanian the ending ulea means the son of. Under this interpretation, Vlad III thus became Vlad Dracula, or the son of the Dragon. (The word drac also means devil in Romanian. The sobriquet thus took on a double meaning for enemies of Vlad III Tepes and his father, Vlad II). For nearly one thousand years Constantinople had stood as the protecting outpost of the Byzantine or East Roman Empire, and blocked Islam’s access to Europe. The Ottomans nonetheless succeeded in penetrating deep into the Balkans during this time. With the fall of Constantinople in 1453 under Sultan Mohammed the Conqueror, all of Christendom was suddenly threatened by the armed might of the Ottoman Turks. The Hungarian Kingdom to the north and west of Wallachia, which reached its zenith during this same time, assumed the ancient mantle as defender of Catholicism. But trust and betrayals emerged. For six years Vlad II Dracul attempted to follow a middle ground between his two powerful neighbors. The prince of Wallachia was officially a vassal of the King of Hungary (Catholic King) and Vlad was still a member of the Order of the Dragon and sworn to fight the infidel (Turks/Islam). At the same time the power of the Ottomans seemed unstoppable. Vlad was forced to pay tribute to the Sultan, just as his father, Mircea the Old, had been forced to do. In 1442 Vlad attempted to remain neutral when the Turks invaded Transylvania. The Turks were defeated, and the vengeful Hungarians under John Hunyadi, a Catholic Crusader who dislikes Vlad II—the White Knight of Hungary--forced Vlad Dracul and his family to flee Wallachia. In 1443 Vlad regained the Wallachian throne with Turkish support, but on the condition that Vlad send a yearly contingent of Wallachian boys to join the Sultan’s Janissaries. In 1444, to further assure to the Sultan his good faith, Vlad sent his two younger sons--Vlad III and Radu the Handsome--to Adrianople as hostages. Vlad III remained a hostage in Adrianople until 1448. But inspite of these, VLAD II was executed. Vlad III was release to take over the Wallachian throne provided he denounced his FAITH to become ISLAM. These HE NEVER DID. He fought back against the Turks to avenge his fathers death and how he was enslaved as a child under them. Radu, his brother joined the Turks, bringing enmity between the two. Vlad III was well-loved by his people for protecting his family, people and his kingdom. Vlad was pictured as an impaler/ human blood drinker by the Papacy and the Ottoman Turks. Something Rome and Babylon is accustomed to doing for centuries through their Luciferian worship and mode of punishment, the crucifixion. Sorry, folks Dracula is not what we see in movies and hear in ancient legends. He is a just a man.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 12:11:56 +0000

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