DREAMS AND LIGHTS The story of Joseph is built and developed - TopicsExpress


DREAMS AND LIGHTS The story of Joseph is built and developed around dreams. It began with the dreams he revealed to his brothers on his youth. Later on, in his days in prison, with the interpretation of the baker and the cupbearer’s dreams. Now on this week’s Torah reading we encounter Pharaoh having two nightmares that are later on interpreted by Joseph. The founder and first rebbe of Chabad, Schneur Zalman of Liadi explains that galut/diaspora was born out of a succession of dreams because galut is THE ultimate dream. The dreams and life-story of Joseph led eventually the children of Israel to move to Egypt, where years later they would be enslaved by a new Pharaoh until liberated by Moses. However, this galut doesn’t refer exclusively to the expulsion and scattering of the Jews outside the land of Israel. It is a diaspora of the soul in which all humanity is partaking in a deep dream. The exile of the soul, this world we live in is unreasonable, sometimes strange, sometimes painful, unexplainable. Most people go through life as if sleeping, numbed and distracted, not remembering the lucidity of the soul in its’ pure state. We drift like a ship in a dark stormy ocean sometimes without a sense of direction. But we don’t need to be afraid: there are lighthouses that shine forth and guide us ashore. These are the candles we light tonight. The Hannukah candles, to remind us of the glorious majesty of the Temple of Jerusalem, of times when the people felt clearly the divine presence amongst them without any fog interfering in their perception of the holy. And the Shabbat candles, lights from the original spark of Creation, a primordial fire that reminds us where our soul originated from and where it is heading after this journey. Just as sun wakes up the rooster and stirs inside his innate nature to sing and wake the whole world, so too these candles we light wake us up from our slumber and our souls yell “Awake, remember you are currently dreaming, and an ultimate reality awaits for you!” May the lights of the miraculous and the light of the beauty of Creation illuminate your soul and may you have good and comfortable dreams in this journey we sail together called LIFE. Shabbat Shalom and Hannukah Sameach!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 19:16:51 +0000

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