........ DRG-DRSYA-VIVEKA ......SEER and the SEEN - TopicsExpress


........ DRG-DRSYA-VIVEKA ......SEER and the SEEN (So Beautifully explained by Bhagwan) ....In the state of deep sleep, ego disappears and the body becomes unconscious. The state in which there is the half manifestation of the ego is called the dream state and the full manifestation of the ego is the state of waking. Atman (soul) is associations with the three states, which are possible only when the ego identifies itself with the body. A state in which there is no perception of duality is called the state of deep sleep. The ego in this state does not identify itself with the body. The result of past Karma, then, is not noticed. Therefore, we become unconscious of our body in that state. In the dream state the ego does not perceive any object external to itself. The seer, the objects seen and the act of seeing which constitute dream experiences are only the mental modifications of the ego. ....The dream experiences, though they appear during the dream state as outside the body of the seer, are known to be only modifications of the mind......dream state is only a partial manifestation of the ego. ....In the waking state the ego experiences the gross external objects by means of its internal organs. The ego and the non-ego which constitute the entire world of experience are both recognized in the waking state. In dream it is the mind alone of the sleeper which appears both as the ego and the non-ego. The inner organ (mind) which in itself is but a modification (vritti) identifying itself with the reflection of Consciousness imagines (various) ideas in the dream. And the same inner organ (identifying itself with the body) imagines objects external to itself in the waking state with respect to the sense-organs. ....Inner organ comprises mind (manas), mindstuff (chittah), intellect (buddhihi) and egoism (ahamkarah). Subtle body is the Antahkarana (Lingam i.e..it enables the Jiva or the embodiesd being to realise Brahman ....Supreme Reality). ....The power of MAYA conceals the distinction between the perceiver and the perceived objects which are cognised within the body as well as the distinction between Brahman and the phenomenal universe which is perceived outside (ones own body). Brahman..... Is separate from the world that is perceived to be gross, solid, extended in time and space, etc. This appearance of the universe as separate from Brahman is due to MAYA.. It is known as the Avarna-shakti or the veiling power of Maya. The projecting power is Vikshep shakti. ....The witness (sakshi) which is the cause of the immediate perception of I. It considers itself as the enjoyer etc. by identifying itself with the gross and the subtle body. It includes everything from the empirical ego to the gross body. The Sakshi is distinct from the perceived objects. But the veiling power of Maya does not enable us to see the distinction and therefore the sakshi appears to have identified itself with the empirical ego, mind, sense-organs, etc. .....Brahman is said to be of the nature of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss. Non-dual Brahman alone is and always exists. The appearance of the manifold is due to the veiling power of Maya which conceals the real non-dual nature of Brahman. It is just like perceiving dream objects with which the sleeper at that time is in no way connected i.e. one becomes a world-bound creature on account of the identification of the seer with the mind, sense-organs etc. Ignorance of the distinction between the subject and the object is the cause of ones sufferings in the world. OM NAMO BHAGWAN _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 12:50:28 +0000

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