Da plan? Da plen! What if a commercial air carrier is once - TopicsExpress


Da plan? Da plen! What if a commercial air carrier is once again being used as spying platform flying over another territory? It happened 31 years ago (a generation) and the possibility of it happening again is not far-fetched at all. I hope Ukraine and China are not political mirror-images of each other. Politically speaking, it appears that both of them are alternately becoming a template of each other’s next strategic move. The “shooting down” of the Malaysian airline MH17 was unfortunately heinous to say the least. When commercial carriers are used as camouflage in one government’s attempt to gather aerial intelligence information, the lives of innocent citizens are jeopardized and placed in harms way. This is unacceptable. The one obvious missing element in the news is the absence of the potential “spying” role of the plane. Usually, the impact media would dig deeper in finding the motive or rationale that triggered (no pun intended) the incident as it was the case of KAL-007 in 1983. On KAL-007, U.S. Representative Mcdonald was a passenger thinking he might be a deterrent for any unprecedented aggressive actions, but the Russians claimed the plane was allegedly equipped with spying instruments. On MH-17, AIDS researchers were on board; Russia and Ukraine have one of the highest rates of AIDS cases in the world. The controlled news of MH17 focused mainly in explaining the “surface-to-air missile (SAM)” source that took down the airline flying at 33,000 feet. However, the circumstances surrounding this incident being discussed behind closed doors at the highest State government levels cannot be discounted. It would bring enormous protest from all parties, their governments included in behalf of their innocently victimized citizens and families. If my speculation is true that MH17 was a camouflaged spy plane, financial remuneration is not an object to those perpetrators from the Cash Cloud. They can dish out any amount of money in exchange for their covert objectives. I see the ghost of flight KAL-007 operating on this one. However, Ukraine must not be absolved from its role on this violation of international law and the senseless disregard of the most sacred asset of all: the human life. Sacred human lives are being used by countries like chess pawns for political gains. There is a higher Law that is being disregarded here where all civilized members in the community of nations must defer and submit to by all means. Lack of this deference to God and utter disregard of our being for economic and political gains erase the main reason of our basic human existence. I don’t believe the “crash” of MH17 was an accident. It was a deliberate plan to achieve the “balance of power” in that region. Balance of power means conflict, not harmony between parties as misconstrued my most. It is my hope, a “mirror” incident would not happen in and around, or over the West Philippine Sea.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 19:17:15 +0000

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