Daca aveti prieteni prin Polonia sau Turcia interesati de un - TopicsExpress


Daca aveti prieteni prin Polonia sau Turcia interesati de un stagiu de voluntariat pe termen lung, le puteti recomanda proiectul Knowledge Builders organizat de Asociatia Young Initiative cu sprijinul financiar al Comisiei Europene in cadrul European Volunteering Service (EVS/SEV). Stagiul este de 8 luni, se desfasoara in perioada Octombrie 2013 - Mai 2014, si va aduna 6 voluntari din Spania, Polonia si Turcia. Detaliile complete despre Call-ul de participanti se pot gasi la link-ul atasat, pe site-ul Asociatiei. /// If you know any person from Poland or Turkey who may be interested in a long-term volunteering challenge, you can tell them about the Knowledge Builders project, an EVS Service in Bucharest, Romania, lasting 8 months (Oct 2013 - May 2014). We have recently launched a Call for Participants for potential volunteers from Turkey and Poland, which can be accessed on our website (link attached). There you can find full details about the Call and the project. Thank you for your support! :)
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 19:07:31 +0000

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