Daikon (white radish/lobak), Both the roots and the leaves are - TopicsExpress


Daikon (white radish/lobak), Both the roots and the leaves are edible and full of nutrients. Mainly used in asian nation like korean, chinese and japanese also some other south east asia country...Mainly used for soup and pickled.... 10 healths benefits of daikon : Cancer Prevention Daikon is one of many cruciferous vegetables linked in studies with successful cancer prevention. Daikon contains several great antioxidants associated with fighting free radical damage, a known cause of cancer. Research has also shown that daikon juice helps prevent the formation of dangerous chemicals and carcinogens inside the body and helps the liver process toxins. High In Vitamin C Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that not only combats free radical activity in the body but also offers great immune system support and helps prevent illness such as the common cold. 100 grams of daikon provides 34% the DV of vitamin C. Daikon leaves have a much higher concentration of vitamin C than that of daikon roots. Antibacterial & Antiviral Daikon appears to be able to combat bacterial and viral infections. Anti-Inflammatory Research suggests that high levels of vitamin C and B, such as found in daikon, help to prevent chronic inflammation in the body which can lead to problems such as arthritis and heart disease. Digestive Aid Raw daikon juice is abundant with human digestive enzymes that help the body process proteins, oil, fat and carbohydrates. Diuretic Daikon helps the kidneys discharge excess water. A natural diuretic, it may also be helpful in treating urinary disorders. Respiratory Health Raw daikon juice may help dissolve mucus and phlegm and aid in the healthy function of the respiratory system. Its ability to combat bacteria and viral infections may make it an effective combatant of respiratory disease such as bronchitis, asthma and flu. Skin Health Applied topically or ingested, daikon juice has proven effective in preventing and treating acne and other skin conditions. Bone Health Daikon leaves are an excellent source of calcium, which helps promote healthy bone growth and may lower the risk of osteoporosis. Weight Loss In Asia, it is believed that daikon helps the body to burn fat, though this has not been proven. Whether it helps burn fat or not, daikon radish is extremely low in fat and cholesterol, but dense with nutrients, making it a great addition to any effective weight loss program. Chinese belief when you on medication with chinese herbal, please do not eat daikon, cause it will clean the effect of the herbal medicine.. Daikon (mooli) is very healthy food. Consume this radish in regular basis will flush toxic in your body. source: healthdiaries/eatthis/10-health-benefits-of-daikon-radish.html
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 15:33:30 +0000

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