Daily Manna DCLM TOPIC: Speak Out Sunday, December 14, - TopicsExpress


Daily Manna DCLM TOPIC: Speak Out Sunday, December 14, 2014 TEXT: JOB 32:11-22 Key Verse: “Behold, my belly is as wine which hath no vent; it is ready to burst like new bottles” ( Job 32:19). A little lad sat at the lobby in a king’s palace and watched as some of the king’s attendants were conspiring to kill the king. The conspirators knew he was dumb and therefore, did not mind his presence. Knowing what the men were up to, the handicapped child got so infuriated by their mischievous moves and looks that, at length, he voiced out, “Don’t you know he is the king?!” So intense was his emotion that his vocal cord opened instantaneously. Similarly, Elihu, after patiently listening to the disputations between Job and his friends concerning divine providence, was painfully uneasy and could not hold back his own opinion. Although he had a superior insight, he also erred with the view that Job might be suffering for his sin. But he had some adorable attributes. He had respect for elders; therefore, he waited for his elders to speak till they had exhausted their ideas. He was a good listener. He was prudent – he knew the appropriate time to speak. He was impartial and God-fearing. Elihu was “full of matters” and was constrained to speak. Oh that we, who have the truth that sets free, are so constrained to speak out in these days of error. We have listened to and watched the prevailing ignorance even among religious front-liners, intellectuals, elders of the land and political leaders. We have found that truly, “Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understand judgment”. But the grace of God has endowed us with the secret of abundant life. We cannot afford to watch on as ignorance drags others to eternal perdition. We who know the terror of God upon sinners must persuade men. The love of Christ should constrain us to open up and speak the saving truth. In declaring the gospel, we must, like Elihu, be filled with a sense of accountability to God. We should neither flatter men of influence and wealth nor excuse the poor and suffering. Thought for the day: Concerning gospel preaching, sealed lips often signify absence of fire in the heart.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 12:49:39 +0000

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