Daily Manna Update, Wednesday 29, January - TopicsExpress


Daily Manna Update, Wednesday 29, January 2014 blog.dclmhq.org/2014/01/daily-manna-2014-success-in-service.html?m=1 Topic: Success In Service TEXT: ISAIAH 6:1-8 Key verse: “Then said I, Woe is me! For I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts” (Isaiah 6:5). Priding ourselves on our spiritual state is one of the commonest temptations faced by Christians. We readily count how old we are in the Lord and what He has done through us. This usually results in stunted growth, complacency and backsliding. God knew Isaiah well enough. He was soon to become one of Israel’s greatest prophets. He was being called to a special assignment in which he needed a special preparation. His effectiveness was to be hinged solely on his close acquaintance with the Lord. His experience at the time of the vision was clearly inadequate to carry him through the tasks ahead; he must have been unaware of this. He needed to catch a glimpse of the great God in glory, in order to appreciate his own insignificance and insufficiency. Faced with this wonderful sight, Isaiah finally saw his own inadequacy; he was weak, but God is strong, he was unclean and living among sinful men but God is holy. In terror and humility, he realised how unqualified he was to speak the word of God. But God will always exalt those who humble themselves. Hence, he received the touch of fire to purge him from all inward sinful tendencies and dispositions. Thereafter, he was ready to receive God’s call to higher service. Most times, our daily experiences, pressures from society and our personal spiritual inadequacies narrow our view of God. They also limit our service to Him. But God’s word shows the lofty height He occupies, how perfect and powerful He is. This should drive us to our knees, with the resolve to die to self. We should be humble and admit our spiritual shortcomings as well as subject ourselves to God’s purging. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The man God uses must be cleansed, cut and cultivated.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 11:18:48 +0000

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