Daily News Summary - April 17th, 2014 Local News • Maan - TopicsExpress


Daily News Summary - April 17th, 2014 Local News • Maan News: maannews.net/eng/Default.aspx - Abbas spokesman: Peace talks to continue until April deadline - PA: Contact with Israeli officials at all-time low - Israel continues search for Hebron shooter - Israeli forces clash with worshippers in Aqsa compound, dozens hurt • Palestine News Network: english.pnn.ps/ - Report: 800,000 Palestinians imprisoned by Israel since 1967 - National Council: Treat Palestinians prisoners as prisoners of war - Analysis: US taxpayers and Palestine’s forced dependency on Israel • Jerusalem Post: jpost/ - Israeli-Palestinian peace talks set to resume Thursday - PM: PA incitement led to Hebron area Passover attack - Peace with Cairo: 35 years of hopes, lost opportunities – and an uncertain future • Haaretz: haaretz/ - Abbas meets Israeli MKs, says welcomes ’serious’ talks - PA to fall by end of year, says Palestinian minister - Three Palestinians killed, five hurt in mysterious Gaza blast • Arutz Sheva: israelnationalnews/ - Police, troops on alert at Kotel after Arab Temple Mount riots - Jordan blames Israel, Jews for Temple Mount riots - again - PA condemns Hevron shooting attack to ’bolster image’ International News Sources • Al-Monitor: al-monitor/ - Planned construction encroaches on Temple Mount and Western Wall - Hamas in overdrive to restore regional ties - Lone-wolf attacks on Israeli settlers increase • The New York Times: nytimes/ - Gaza: Blasts kill Hamas militants - Pushing the 2-state path in Gaza - Iraq shuts down the Abu Ghraib prison, citing security concerns • BBC: bbc/news/ - Middle East peace talks meeting postponed after killing - Jordan ’targets vehicles crossing from Syria’ - Analysis: Why Assad can have confidence in his survival Everyday IPCRIs interns gather news articles from both local and international news outlets in order to stay on top of the latest developments and analysis of issues related to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and peace process. The opinions, ideas and word choice discussed in the articles above do not represent the views and opinions of IPCRI and should therefore be considered only as overview of news covered in daily media outlets.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 07:27:46 +0000

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