Daily Prayer 3.18.14 While he was speaking, a cloud appeared - TopicsExpress


Daily Prayer 3.18.14 While he was speaking, a cloud appeared and enveloped them, and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. A voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.” When the voice had spoken, they found that Jesus was alone. The disciples kept this to themselves, and told no one at that time what they had seen. – Luke 9:34-36 Once in Starbucks I witnessed a conversation between two ladies. I use the term “conversation” very loosely. The two friends sat down with Grande Lattes before them for what was apparently a kind of “catch up” visit that the two engaged in on a regular basis. Well, it immediately became clear how these sessions always went. Friend one talked and talked and talked, while friend two heard and heard and heard, occasionally contributing sweet noises of agreement, sympathy or outrage that grew increasingly un-enthusiastic until finally the visit was done. Friend one, still talking, pronounced the meeting a delightful success and, after hugs and a promise to meet again soon, trundled out of the store. Friend two stayed, looking a little worn out. Now, I don’t know anything about the relationship between those two friends. It could very well be that the talking woman desperately needs this outlet and her silent friend is showing love and support for her in the best way she knows. But it also seems likely that no matter how therapeutic her unburdening might be, taking a break to hear from her friend could provide a welcome relief from her own problems. How knows? She might even gain some valuable insight. At any rate, the experience put me to mind of how our prayer-time with God can often go. We start the clock and begin the litany of our concerns, wants and needs until the time is up and we trundle out to begin our day. But is this the best way to be in relationship with God? As we seek God on the mountaintop we might do well, like the disciples, to stop and listen to God. We might take what He has to tell us to heart; we might ponder His words and hold them close. We might gain some valuable insight. Who knows? We might be changed. Good morning, all! Please continue in prayer today for: Michelle Volland and her parents William and Claire. Don who is looking for work. Annette, Herk and their son. June, who is having hip surgery today, and for Mike. All those prayers shared in the Monday night covenant group. “Dear God, today I trust that You know all my concerns. Today I listen for Your voice. Today I pray to hear what You have to say to me. Come, Lord Jesus, come. Amen”.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:07:49 +0000

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