Daily from Dawn: This is written for just entertainment. We - TopicsExpress


Daily from Dawn: This is written for just entertainment. We have decided to finish our project with a banter Facebook post. Well, not we, me. Its a computer open on a table and rather than TALKING to each other ........ Daily from Dawn is stupid. From the Double-Wide is better. Well, Im not going to live in the Double-Wide anymore. I could write a book about working with you. I could write a novel about working with you........ an entire series of working with the most miserable man on the planet. There would be four books and you would be miserable in every one. Why are we doing this? To make people laugh. Who is the most miserable man on the planet? Thats a silly question. No one is going to read this. Yes, they are. Its funny and poignant. Please tell me you just didnt just say poignant? What about Stupid Posts from the Single-Wide? Dawn. Yes? You seem emotional. Im pre-post-abrupt menopausal. Arent there medications for that? Werent you married to a ....... STOP right there or there will be no balsamic vinegar and garlic infused crostini for you......... Are we talking yet? NO! We are typing still...... did anyone ever tell you that you are weird? Oh, get in line. Everyone has their quirks. Quirks. Am I quirky? You could only dream of being quirky. Climb back into your little Mercedes and go away. Why do you drive a Spyder? Now that we are done do I ever have to see you again? You infuriate me. You infuriate me. Why do you do that? What? Repeat what I say. Its called the pot calling the kettle black...... but are both of them black? Or is that in the cast-iron days? I have some red pots. I dont have any black pots, but I did buy a cast iron grill for the stove. Dawn. Yes? Do you understand that not everyone thinks this way? Meaning? I worked with this fabulous physician and she phrased it Dawn thinking out loud Wouldnt it be wonderful if everyone did that? Dont hold anything back and just say what you are thinking unless you are going to tell me I look fat then shut up. Read what you just wrote. I know when to shut up which is why we are typing because I still think you should get in your little Mercedes and go away....... and yes, you are right about the ending. The most miserable man on the planet is right? Can you say I was right again? You are not the most, you are in a long line....... maybe you are number 6. Why 6? There are definitely three in front of you, as you know, so Im leaving room for two more because knowing me I will find them. Can we talk now? No. Why? Because we write. And because of you, I write. And I dont care if anyone reads it........ it created these silly little Facebook posts that my small audience responded to. Please dont stop writing. Oh, now who is emotional? Are you in male menopause? There is such a thing you know, its been researched and there is evidence that .... Dawn? What? Shut up......... but dont stop writing. The Daily from Dawn and the 6th most patient, kind but yet still.... miserable man on the planet.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 21:41:35 +0000

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