#DailyDevotion Are You Hungry? What’s your favourite food? - TopicsExpress


#DailyDevotion Are You Hungry? What’s your favourite food? Which is the one kind of food that you can no go for a week without? Personally I love bread and my children like most other children love chips and soda. Now you can imagine if it was up to my children to choose their diet, they would have chips and soda daily. I can guarantee you that would affect their health and weight in a very big way. As much as I love bread I don’t have bread with every meal I take. The bible even says that man can not live on bread alone. That has to do with the physical man. What about your spiritual man? What’s his favourite kind of food? Does your spiritual man hunger and thirst after righteousness? Matthew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,for they will be filled. In the physical there are times when we loose our appetite for food and this can be brought about by different reasons. The same applies to the spiritual. You need to ask yourself what is making you loose an appetite for the things of God. “Have you spoiled our appetite?” Mothers who know better tell their children they cannot have a treat before supper because it would spoil their appetite. When we’re full of other things, we won’t hunger for God’s Word. What are some of the things that you have filled yourself with? Proverbs 27:7 He who is full loathes honey,but to the hungry even what is bitter tastes sweet Are you spiritually sick? Many physical illnesses can cause a loss of appetite. We need to ask the Great Physician to examine us, search our hearts, and see if there is anything in our lives quenching our hunger for Him and His Word. Psalm 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Are you too busy to find the time to eat? Service to God is a good thing but not when it replaces our time with Him. Mary and Martha are our classic examples of the difference between busy (and frustrated) service vs. choosing “that good part” of giving time and attention to sitting at our Lord’s feet. Or maybe you are simply too distracted to realize how hungry and Are you constantly starving our spiritual man or feeding him with so much junk food? We need to set our priorities and put everything else in its proper perspective. We need to partake of Gods word even when we don’t feel hungry for it, just as we need to eat to keep up our health and strength even if we don’t feel physically hungry. Perhaps a reading of Psalm 119 would wet our appetites by reminding us of how great and good the Word is and of what we’re missing when we neglect it. PRACTICAL APPLICATION Scrutinize your spiritual diet and make sure it’s a balanced diet. Begin today to develop a hunger and thirst for righteousness.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 03:03:34 +0000

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