#DailyProverbs isnt based on any one scripture today... Just a few - TopicsExpress


#DailyProverbs isnt based on any one scripture today... Just a few thoughts... Time moves on... Society changes... Sadly, things do not. Just because you find prettier words, and attractive people to present the new packaging doesnt change reality; youve only found a nicer way to present the same compost. --Lies are still lies. But now we call them perceptions, and as I see thems... You can only PR and spin so much. You can believe your lies. You can convince those around you to believe your lies, but... its still not the truth. Its still just a sliver or a shade of the truth, and its only your perception. The truth really will set you free, but real freedom only comes from the full truth. --Hate is still hate. When you politicize your opinion on what you hate, you feel justified in your divisive, sinful behavior. We chalk that up to human behavior and common practice now. However, we are called to be peacemakers and ministers of reconciliation, not create larger gaps based on personal prejudices and opinions. If we follow the titular example of our faith, we should be the very first to assist the disenfranchised and hurting; not demonize or criminalize them. --Wrong is still wrong. You cannot justify bad behavior on your part, because you dont like someone elses behavior. You can lie to yourself and say its a gray area; but its black or white. You still have to do the right thing. You have to be your best you, not a lesser version based on another persons actions or issues or ignorance. Your accountability is based solely for your actions, or inactions. How you act is a reflection of you. Dont buy into todays societys lies... --Not everything is malleable. Just because you dont like the answer doesnt mean its wrong. It may just be shining a light on an opportunity for you to grow and change. Be better. --Not every price is negotiable. We try to barter daily. We want a deal. We want a sale. We want it now, cheap, and on credit. We dont know what its like to work, save and then fully purchase something precious to us anymore. The result of instant gratification is that then, nothing is precious any longer. When we didnt pay for it and sweat for it, it loses its value to us. Its common. Its mundane. --Not every process can be bypassed. No, you cant instantly be the best; it takes years of experience. Oration and Musicianship, minstrel abilities take years of practice, mistakes, and hard won service. The same is true in work and business. Education can only take you so far, but experience comes with time. Wisdom comes with time. It will always take one woman nine months to have a baby. You cant have a baby in one month with nine women. --Not every thing can be bought; some things still must be earned. Fancy degrees, clothes, and your best efforts to make an impression dont automatically get respect. You may temporarily impress people, but thats not respect. You cant buy that. Fighting in the trenches and really laying a foundation will help. Paying your dues and understanding that overnight success is a myth will help. You cant instantly have everything you want. You dont instantly *deserve* everything. You cant buy experience. You cant buy respect. You cant buy love or recognition. Those are gained by putting in effort and sweat and time, again and again. And again. And then again. --Some things still remain unchanged. The sun comes up. Every new day is a new chance. Every heartbeat is another moment. Take those chances. Learn the difference between reality and compost. Pretty packages, soft words, easy answers may be attractive and they may be desirable, but its still compost. Get up. Go be your best you. Do something nice today. Help someone.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 14:29:05 +0000

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