Dakota Cardosanto - CrossFit Group - TopicsExpress


Dakota Cardosanto - CrossFit Group Class Accessory Metcon (No Measure) Choose 1 and take 10mins to complete: a) Row 4x300m Rest 1:1 b) Weighted Dips 4x8 c) Accumulate 4min Plank/Side Plank Team WOD Metcon (AMRAP - Reps) 5 Rounds for reps: (15min) 1min of Alternating Box Jumps (24/20) 1min of Medicine Ball Passing Situps (20/14#) 1min of Pullups In teams of 2, both partners start on the same movement and rotate together to the next every minute. (Can be done in teams of 2 for varied class attendances) Scoring: The box jumps are alternating, so one goes, then the other goes, each box jump is a rep. The medicine ball passes are with partners facing and handing off a medball at the top of each situp, each med ball pass is a rep. The pullups are done with both partners working at the same time doing as many as possible, total pullups is score. Competitors Metcon (No Measure) 4x3 Hang Clean 2xME UB Pistols 2xME Muscle Up
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 02:02:01 +0000

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