DallasMorningNews Columnist Jacquielynn Floyd on Gun Violence: - TopicsExpress


DallasMorningNews Columnist Jacquielynn Floyd on Gun Violence: Friends of the 19-year-old Joshua man who accidentally shot and killed his little sister this week said as much. “You all are a bunch of bullies,” one friend posted in a sharp rebuke to readers who criticized the man in online comments to a news story about Emilee Bates, 13, who died from a rifle shot. “Be respectful and realize this is a family in pain.” According to Johnson County sheriff’s officials, the man, Austin McCord, “forgot he had a loaded magazine in the AK-47” when he pulled the trigger, shooting the girl in the stomach. The Dallas man, in relative terms, is fortunate. His 4-year-old grandson, who was visiting his home Wednesday, found a loaded handgun beneath a pillow. The little boy shot himself in the shoulder — but he’ll recover. Still, I expect the grandfather is suffering himself from the self-recriminatory horror of what-if, and the awful memory of that panicked night. Both the brother and the grandfather are probably punishing themselves far more than any critic or observer or even prosecutor could. But it is not “bullying” to point out that these stricken survivors are not the injured parties here. We have a dead girl who did not live past the very first day of her teens, and a little boy in the hospital with a gunshot wound. They’re the ones for whom I feel sorrow. Guns are not devils. They don’t have brains. They don’t “go off” of their own accord. I would respectfully take issue with a local television reporter who recounted the Dallas incident by saying that “somehow, the gun went off, sending a bullet into the child’s shoulder.” “Somehow”? Here’s how: Somebody had a loaded gun in easy reach of a little kid, who picked it up and shot himself. Both of these cases were, indeed, accidents. And I don’t necessarily think they’re arguments against allowing responsible people to own guns. But responsible people do not “forget” there is a live round in a weapon. They never allow a weapon, loaded or otherwise, to be pointed at another person. They don’t keep a loaded gun under the bed, or beneath a pillow, or in a drawer or any other place that a child is physically capable of touching it. This state has a law — not very draconian, and not often enforced — that makes it illegal to keep a gun where a child may have access to it, unless it is disabled with a trigger lock. I don’t wish to shovel additional grief on people who are already suffering. But that wish is minor, compared to the intensity with which I don’t want any more kids to become the victims of appalling, irresponsible negligence. Maybe it is, indeed, cruel to blame grieving survivors for a momentary lapse. But it’s an awful lot crueler for the price of that lapse to be a child’s life.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 14:30:51 +0000

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