Dangerously cynical September 10, 2013 at 12:19am If you listened - TopicsExpress


Dangerously cynical September 10, 2013 at 12:19am If you listened to the Auf meeting last Saturday evening, you would have perhaps gotten a taste of what is to come in the next election campagne still a year and a half away. But people are getting real anxious to take a hard hit at AUM /APP for none performance and not keeping their promise. The Chief Minister had “a plan” that we still don’t know anything about. The night belonged to MC. Neil who was dangerously cynical and blasted Hughes’s style of leadership. Mc Neil Finished on the note……to be continued. All speakers performed exceptionally well and brought the issues to the fore front, lashing out hard at the present economic condition of the island, while the travel schedule of the Chief Minister is off the chart. All indications are that this Chief Minister is covering more miles in air time than could be charted, while having a government not performing, with the real possibility of a collapse of the island’s economy. The AUF candidates actually preached a dooms day scenario over the Hughes government as the worst the island has ever seen. Victor Banks continued his effort to discipline a group that surfaced recently; he calls Liars, Blamers and defamers, dragging the character of the indigenous people of Anguilla through the mud. Banks took great exception, because the AUF Government actual promotes the idea of the Anguillians investor side by side with the foreign investor in the advancement of our country. They hit Hughes very hard for depriving Anguillians of job opportunities in favor of Caribbean nationals, while the honorable Jerome Roberts has been insulting said Caribbean people from the chambers of the House of Assembly. The conduct of the Minister was brought into question when he advised these teachers to either conform to the policies of this government or they are welcome to leave; then he tried to apologize, which did not come over very well. AUF said that the Minister crossed the line in his remarks on the House floor, what is termed insults and abuse of the teachers. The AUF meeting was filled with details of unpleasant experiences by this government, but the Leader of Opposition in the House of Assembly, the Honorable Evan Mc. Neil Roger contended that this government is governing like crabs in a bucket, trying to get ahead, but by their very own incompetence failing to move up the steep climb to the top of the bucket. Simply not making any head way. MC. Neil contends that the country simply cannot afford this type of government for the duration of the term or else we might not have a country to govern. He labeled the government solidly incompetent and fails to imagine an Anguilla with this type of government being elected for another five years. He then then turned his attention to what appears to be blatant insults from this government towards successful Anguillians, especially those who invest heavily in their education and return to the island successfully with qualifications, a group this government has been labeling as "elites." Clearly Mc. Neil sees this as insulting to the children of the future, and claims that notwithstanding the obvious lack of a qualified in this government, he went on to encourage Anguillians to achieve the highest possible education they can afford. The meeting brought home signals that this election period coming up, AUF will stop at nothing until all elements of this Government are totally obliterated and the crabs as they described, never again has a chance to get back in the bucket. Just reporting the news !!!!!! “Speak Truth to power”
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 12:36:04 +0000

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