Daniel Sheehan - Conspiracy Theories and the UFO Phenomenon - Full - TopicsExpress


Daniel Sheehan - Conspiracy Theories and the UFO Phenomenon - Full Published on 9 Oct 2012 Daniel Sheehan - Conspiracy Theories and the UFO Phenomenon - Full Length Feature This presentation by Daniel Sheehan is astounding in its revelation about conspiracy theories sighting the JFK assignation as an example and its connection with many UFO and ETI conspiracies that are currently circulating about through the whole UFO communities via the internet. In the following YouTube video, a blogger, “The American Roadwarrior” notes with regard to Daniel Sheehan’ lecture presentation: Quite often what appear to be conspiracies are nothing more that an agreement among people on how to handle a particular situation. Say, the Warren Report for instance (the full report on the investigation into Kennedys assassination). The conclusion had to be that a lone gunman, in this case an actual patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald, the fall guy, had to have been determined by an in depth investigation to have been a lone gunman bent on killing the president. The reason this determination was so important was to not create unrest or an uprising in the American people which was agreed would likely happen were the truth to be told. These are things that if you are a more sophisticated type person interested and capable of looking below the surface at the real truth you then know and understand more in depth than the other 99% of average people who cannot and will not understand these things usually due to very simple ignorance which is very prevalent these days in our current society, a key factor in whether we survive or destroy ourselves as a whole. Mr. Sheehan explains here that the head shot from the grassy knoll seen clearly in the Zapruder film (Zapruder film reference added by me) was from assassin David Morales, a member of the fifteen (15) man S Force originally hired to assassinate Fidel Castro after a phone call from Richard Nixon to Howard Hughes before the election of Kennedy to set up the hit later being called off by then President John F. Kennedy once he got word about the plot just moments before it was to take place. Kennedy also saving the world by calling off a nuclear strike on the Soviet Union ordered by a unanimous vote of the Joint Chiefs of Staff then becoming the target of these professional killers who by then were absolutely furious with the president. Of particular interest are the world view paradigms that exist upon the planets which are often expressed as an analogy to octaves, especially the very antiquated, second world view paradigm that is being forcibly propagated upon the world at this time emanating from the militaristic, oligarchial, wealthy corporate elite of the world. Sheehan states that the sixth world view paradigm, that of the quantum physics reality of existence is also illuminating the world’s perception of the universe and this paradigm along with the 7th and 8th paradigm world views needs to be investigated and natured into the global consciousness of mankind which will ultimately evolve humanity to becoming a new creation, as distinct as homo sapien was from Neanderthal or Cro-Magnon… homo divinius! Along with other bits of information about Roswell and other UFO secrets this video is a ground shattering hottest story of the century. Enjoy it. youtube/watch?v=BVmkrFren78&app=desktop
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 07:57:22 +0000

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