Dare 2B Daring – June 12, 2013 A daily devotional published by - TopicsExpress


Dare 2B Daring – June 12, 2013 A daily devotional published by Risk Takers for Christ, Inc. (Permission granted to reprint with proper attribution.) “My own study of the scriptures, verified by personal experience, has convinced me that prayer is the most important ministry I can have in the life of another individual.” - Jerry Bridges James 5:16 states “Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another, that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” In the context of ministering to the sick, confession of sins and healing, James states that we are “to pray one for another”. As a minister of the Gospel, I have told fellow believers over the years that the greatest need I have is for them to pray for me. I agree with Jerry Bridges that prayer is the most important ministry that we can have in the lives of others. At times, people may share personal prayer requests with us and it is easy to inform them that we will be praying for them (meaning later). When these opportunities present themselves, why don’t we pray for them at the moment of their request instead? I promise that they will be blessed by your immediate response to their need. Let me share a recent personal example… Last week, I was the speaker at a Men’s Retreat in the mountains of Pennsylvania, about 30 minutes from Williamsport. One of the men spoke to me about his wife, who has had several serious operations within the past year and is waiting to have more heart surgery as soon as she recovers from her most recent operation. After he shared about his wife’s situation, I took his hand and prayed for his wife and him right then and there. The next evening, which was my last night to speak, this brother got up and passionately challenged the other men to do what I had done for him – to pray for others as soon as they received a prayer request. Not only had this brother been blessed, but I was also blessed by his passionate challenge! It has been said that prayer changes things, but prayer also changes people. In his book, “Jesus’ Pattern of Prayer”, John MacArthur states: “It is time for you to change your praying and more to change your life”. As a result, the lives of those that we pray for will be changed as well. “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.” Ephesians 6:18 - Rev. Larry “Chap” Lilly, Vice President
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 00:38:57 +0000

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