Dare 2B Daring – September 16, 2013 A daily devotional published - TopicsExpress


Dare 2B Daring – September 16, 2013 A daily devotional published by Risk Takers for Christ, Inc. (Permission granted to reprint with proper attribution.) “We must remember that the path to having our land healed begins with God’s people humbling themselves. Our declarations against the evil deeds of our leaders will not come with outrage and anger as much as an appeal seasoned with humility.” – Rick Joyner As a result of a recent date with my wife of 43 years, God implanted a word in my mind that served as an inspiration for the development of today’s devotion. That word is “seasoned.” If food is seasoned, it becomes improved or enhanced. Isn’t that what we should want for our lives as well as the lives of our family, friends and other people that God brings us in contact with, to become improved and enhanced? Prior to the Labor Day weekend, my wife Pat asked me to take her to the beach, which was something we haven’t done together all summer. The weather was forecast to be pleasant, but once we arrived in Rehoboth Beach that morning, the skies were overcast and it was relatively cool. While on the boardwalk, we sat and patiently waited for the famous Thrasher’s French Fries stand to open for business. Thrasher’s has been around since 1929 and I first experienced eating them in Ocean City Maryland as a youngster in the 1950’s. They are the best French fries I have ever tasted. They are cooked in peanut oil and seasoned with salt and vinegar, which are the only seasonings Thrasher’s provides for their customers. You may prefer ketchup, Old Bay or some other form of seasoning, but give me malt vinegar any day. Colossians 4:6 states, “Let your speech at all times be gracious, seasoned as it were with salt…” The words that we speak to others should always be gracious ones that help to improve or enhance their lives. In addition to speaking with grace, may our speech and lives always demonstrate that they are seasoned with humility as implied by Rick Joyner. Remember that God hates pride, but honors and blesses those who are humble before Him. “So all witness to Him and marveled at the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth…” Luke 4:2 - Rev. Larry “Chap” Lilly, Vice President risktakersforchrist.org
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 00:58:43 +0000

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