Dark Moon @ 2 degrees Virgo: 25th August 2.14 PM UT, 26th August - TopicsExpress


Dark Moon @ 2 degrees Virgo: 25th August 2.14 PM UT, 26th August 12.14 AM AEST. In just a few short hours, the Moon will leave her current lunar cycle, and begin her next lunation-this time in the sign of Virgo. This is very much a time of transition, as we become mindful of what must be let go of, so that we can create the space to invite in the new. The Dark Moon is a powerful time of manifestation-one that encourages us to be more aware of what we would like to create and birth. It also reminds us that even though there may be excitement and anticipation of whats to come, we still need to honour that at this time, there is more dark than light. This is symbolic of the fact that we still need to work with the shadow or hidden aspects of ourselves, so that we can have the healing and new beginnings that we are seeking. When I talk about what must be let go of, I am referring to those things in your life that are no longer serving you. I understand that stuff just cant be let go of overnight, but I do believe that we can make a decision to identify what is blocking us, and start the process of bringing it to rest. The Virgo Moon holds a healing energy-one that can lead us to seek better health on all levels. It also encourages us to set an intention to find healers, therapists, naturopaths etc...who will work collaboratively with us to obtain the levels of well being that we are seeking. This lunar cycle can also support you in becoming more efficient and organised, creating more order in your life, relaxing self criticism and perfectionism, and creating a more positive work environment. As the Virgo rules the 6th house in astrology, you may even find that you start taking the steps towards identifying a vocation that allows you to showcase your talents and abilities. Neptune is forming a tight opposition to the Moon, so you may find that you feel confused, disorientated, or even melancholy over the next day or so. While this feeling will eventually pass, it is important to acknowledge the presence of Neptune at the beginning of this lunar phase. This placement indicates a few relevant things to me. 1) It is important that you trust your intuition this month-especially as there may be times that you feel unsure about yourself or situations around you. 2)There may be people or situations around you that arent as they appear to be, so be mindful of who you open yourself up to. If something doesnt feel right-it usually isnt. Again, trust that deep intuitive knowing, and do some further exploration of why youre feeling the way you are. What part of your body is the feeling coming from? And what is it trying to tell you. 3) Be open to experiencing the signs and symbols that often make themselves known when Neptune is having a strong influence. Neptune can have a strong effect on the Mercury ruled Virgo Moon, so even though you might feel as if your mental faculties have left the building for a while, you will be pleasantly surprised at the other worldly riches that this planet can reveal to you. Dreaming and seemingly random synchronicities will help you to have a deeper understanding of yourself and the world in which we live. So while the Neptunian influence may have you feeling like youre swimming through murky water with your eyes closed, just know that if you trust your heart and your inner knowing, you will be guided in the right direction. As the energies that Ive been talking about above can leave you feeling a little spacey or out there, it is important that we engage in exercises that allow us to feel grounded in our physical bodies. This is a perfect time to strengthen your connection with Mother Earth, and spend time basking in the delights of nature. Not only with this enable you to feel more balanced, but is also allows you to align yourself with the magic of the elements and their cycles. Affirmation: As I let go of the expectation that everything must be perfect, I allow myself to relax and invite acceptance into my life. This enables me to experience more joy and harmony, and have gratitude for the things that I already have, and the things that are yet to pass.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 10:00:02 +0000

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