Dateline.... 7 July, 2014, 0256 hours.... Flying Volkswagen - TopicsExpress


Dateline.... 7 July, 2014, 0256 hours.... Flying Volkswagen Beetle Crashes in Local Bedroom.... So Im lying in bed, just having drifted off to sleep. The TV is playing at low volume and the window unit is chugging away, ceiling fan on full speed. All seems at peace. Suddenly, I hear a noise. Now, bear in mind, I live in a house thats 176 years old and in the country, so this is not unusual. I open my eyes and look up at the 12 foot ceiling towards the sound. Nothing. Then the sound comes again from over the chifferobe, then the roll top desk, then the hat rack and mirror, and then, I see it. The slow, awkward, cumbersome flight of the flying Volkswagen Beetle- it slowly rose in the air, drifting ever closer to the speeding ceiling fan and, WHACK! A blade slams into it, and, like an out of control car, it spins and crashes onto the bed between my knees. Dogs run for safety, the lamp on the night table suddenly looks like an overturned car, a cup of water falls and splashes all over the floor, and the TV has suddenly changed channels to an infomercial selling vacuum cleaners. Behold, the Eastern Hercules Beetle:
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 15:12:51 +0000

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