Dating has fast become a very useful tool in modern days when it - TopicsExpress


Dating has fast become a very useful tool in modern days when it comes to selecting the right future partner. But if proper dating procedures are not followed, results can be detrimental. Not all societies encourage teenage dating. I can remember growing up in my country where seeing another girl was almost like a sacred activity. Lolz. I can’t question why that was so. While my age group in developed world countries were holding hands with their girlfriends and walking along the street or beaches, I was never allowed to do that. Whether one is allowed to openly or secretly date when it comes to teenage dating, there are some common dating issues experienced in both scenarios. The public and the secret teenage dating. Dating for the first time can be emotionally difficult for young boys and girls, and sometimes their lack of experience with dating can negatively affect their lives and the lives of the people who care about them. Because dating involves a person’s physical, mental and emotional being. There fore complications that arises during the course of dating affects the person involve very deeply. Because of lack of knowledge or pure ignorance by the teenagers themselves or the parents, teenagers run into problems that affect them psychically, mentally or emotionally. Some of these teenage dating issues are avoidable. This is unless those responsible take drastic actions to guide and mentor the teenage that are undergoing dating process. Here I list some common issues that are face by teenagers who are dating. Note that most of them are related. So as I discuss I will use almost all three of them.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 12:54:25 +0000

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