David Suzuki: It is going to be indigenous peoples of the world - TopicsExpress


David Suzuki: It is going to be indigenous peoples of the world that give us guidance. Support the experiences of Cheryl Gilpin: Univ of Vic divested itself of all investments in fossil fuels. Human use of fossil fuels is changing the atmosphere with enormous impacts on biosphere and is being felt on every continent on the Earth. IPCC stop wasting time countering the deniers and move forward with reality search for serious solutions. Everything is connected to everything else. sea level rise from melting and from thermal expansion as water warms. many economic impacts. Willful blindness when people in authority ignore they can be held responsible in court. Kids: Mom and Dad have to be eco warriors on your behalf for your future to not be burdened with extremes. To avoid over 2 degree increase in atm temp Limit to 565 GT of Carbon but 5 times that much in ground....leave it in the ground.....we can not rely on unproven engineering to fix. The sixth extinction is a book we should read. Fate of our species is going to be determined in next few years. All the DNA leads back to Africa. We are all Africans. In 1992 Scientists thousands signed a document of warning: Human beings are on a path that puts humans at serious risk and may alter the world as we know it only a few decades to change the path or the chance to avoid disaster will be lost. but nature distanced. who needs nature? Big cities economy jobs highest priority isolated from what nature provides to support our lives. people dont have to go outside. global economy blinds us. The act of being a consumer needs to involve responsibility, but most fail to see. 1962 Silent spring by Rachel Carson pointed out by using science we fragment the world, then what we do effects everything else in ecosystem. Impact huge led to a movement that led to EPA and env laws. rider to authorize drilling in arctic circle so every time it was protested. still fighting the same battles. We failed because we did not shift the arena of decisions. we had no elders we were immigrants generation with no roots. indigenous cultures learned to live in balance their understanding was learned through countless generations regarded land as sacred. Sense of what land is very different for colonizers from indigenous cultures. The battles: native people need jobs and economic development but still value the land over the jobs. 1970s and 1980s set up roundtables all stakeholders together. Comprises which do no good or winners and losers. Stakeholder decision making Not best way anymore. keep biosphere healthy for humans but economist call that external not of economic value. Dont allow economy to dictate the terms of the discussion. we live in a world that is shaped and determined by laws of nature. we are animals and have requirements. but christian fundamentalists think we are not animals. our survival depends upon air and water and food if we dont protect those things we die, how do we develop an economy that protects these things. iF we dont carry on with that context. lost. Definition of property.....Texas sets bad example of defining property value to air and water doesnt go by boundaries. Nature doesnt line itself up. free the market it will determine fate of humanity a figment of imagination. we let our creations determine the context beleive our own lies. It is going to be indigenous peoples of the world that give us guidance.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 10:00:28 +0000

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