Day 1! Ariane Doud and Dawn Pollock Jones both nominated me for - TopicsExpress


Day 1! Ariane Doud and Dawn Pollock Jones both nominated me for the gratitude challenge. For 5 days in a row, list 3 things you are grateful for, and choose 2 people each day to undertake the challenge. Today, I nominate Anatole Ashraf and Rachel Rosen. At the end of the challenge, make a gift to the charity of your choice. Im picking the ACT UP Womens Caucus. Today, I am thankful for: 1) Awesome friends. The world is full of nonsense and michegoss, and the best antidote to all that is knowing amazing, thoughtful, questioning, making, doing, loving beings. I know a whole giant lot of them (including the four above, you know why) and I am so so lucky. 2) My education. As tough a time as I had actually receiving it (my high school yearbook quote was Ralph Ellison -- In spite of myself, Ive learned some things. -- nuff said), I am extraordinarily grateful for my off-center, ethical, artistic, philisophical foundation and the many excellent teachers who made sure I got equipped to take on the world. 3) W and D, the two loves of my life.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 20:37:16 +0000

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