Day 10 &11-Tues/Wed: Tuesday there wasnt very much going on other - TopicsExpress


Day 10 &11-Tues/Wed: Tuesday there wasnt very much going on other than living life in Italy. That will never get old. Really, my nights of staying up until midnight caught up with me. After our trip to the Italian base gates to see where Joe worked I turned down a trip to the gelateria for some sleep. Now, thats exhaustion. Wednesday was very exciting for me. Unfortunately, I didnt take many pictures but it was a blast. I met a group of ladies in Treviso Centro. We started out getting coffee (water for me), and a chocolate filled brioche (which is what we typically call a croissant). Mmmm, delicious! Then the girls walked me around Centro showing me this and that. We made our way to the Benetton store where I picked up a couple of cute items. A little FYI...Treviso is the home of Benetton. So, with that said, I supported the local economy today. Yea me! Lunch was next where we went to a little sandwich bar where there were no tables inside. We ordered sandwiches and prosecco at the bar, then ate outside at the little bar they had outside their window. I loved it. There I was in a little side street in Centro having an amazing sandwich and prosecco. I dont know if that will ever get old or if the excitement of it will ever got away. Well see. After Centro I went by a couple of their homes, and then rode with Dawn to another parent meeting for Grants class. After the meeting Joe and Lydia met Grant and me where we made our way to a nearby gelataria with some friends. On the way to the car Grant was so excited about getting gelato after school. He told me, Mommy, when we get to the car Im going to tell Daddy were going to get gelato. Hes going to say Gelato! We arent going to get gelato. Then Im going to tell him Surprise! We are going to get gelato. Mommy said. I love Italy, Mommy. The things my boy says. Love him. After gelato we made our way to a grocery store to get some food for the rooms. Since none of the restaurants in Italy open until 7:00 weve decided to do a lot more food in the room so the kids can get to bed at a decent hour. Unfortunatly, a hotel room without as much as a microwave makes it difficult to serve a decent dinner. Just over a month to go thought because we should move into our home on 15 October!!!! I cant wait. Ok, back to the grocery store. While we were there I decided we needed bananas. As I went to pick out a bunch Dawn ran up to me quietly yelling Noooo. I quickly dropped the bananas and looked around hoping nobody was coming after me. Thats when she explained to me the process of wearing gloves when selecting fruit. You arent allowed to touch the fruit here, and you must use their little machine to tag your fruit. Once I got home I remembered Elissa telling me this same thing last week when I visited her. Oops, Im happy Dawn was there. Meanwhile, Grant and his new buddy George were having the time of their life pushing their own little shopping carts around the store. When it was time for George to leave Grant begged me over, and over, and over...and over to go home with them. haha. Im so happy he is making friends so easily. Not to mention we already have 2 more birthday parties to go to next week. At checkout I became Mommy of the year when Grant saw on the conveyer belt a Kinder egg I was buying for him. After our picnic in the living room my husband of the year told me to go downstairs and read my book. So, I got in a few more chapters of Outlander, put the kiddos to bed, and had a salami, pecorino, bread, and prosecco picnic with Joe. Ahhhh....all smiles. Still loving my Italian days.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 11:11:45 +0000

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