Day 11 report on NaNoWriMo: Daily words: 1,700 Cumulative words: - TopicsExpress


Day 11 report on NaNoWriMo: Daily words: 1,700 Cumulative words: 16,809 Hee! I managed to finish that Iron Druid short story. Its called Goddess at the Crossroads and itll be out from Subterranean Press next year sometime. Ill give you a date and more details as soon as I have it; Im just happy because Im about two weeks ahead of deadline on it. But now, back to the epic! Oh, and an additional word on query letters: There are quite a few successful ones by published authors available to peruse at Absolutewrite dot com/foums in Query Letter Hell. Definitely read a lot of them, get a feel for them, master them. Its a different kind of writing but crucial to getting your manuscript looked at if youre interested in going with a publisher. Also experiencing my first cold-ass storm in Colorado. High today is expected to be 7. :) But Im good! I have hot chocolate and marshmallows and a book to write and others to read, so yay!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 13:28:00 +0000

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