Day 15!!! 😍 Weigh in day!!! Drumrollllll.... 4lb off woohoooo - TopicsExpress


Day 15!!! 😍 Weigh in day!!! Drumrollllll.... 4lb off woohoooo well chuffed with this!! Was rewarded with slimmer of the week and won the raffle too so came home with loads of goodies, as seen on pic!🍌🍊🍏🍎🍅 Week two for me has been mentally a lot tougher and I really wasnt sure after a whopping 7lb last week my efforts this week would be so well rewarded! But I am more than happy with that!!!! My blog tonight is going to touch on something im very well known for having an annoyance about! Its getting weighed frequently!!! We all know thats the point of joining slimming clubs is to loose weight and get weighed once a week in the sheer hope that number on the scales goes down!! So why do people drive themselves insane by getting weighed more frequently at home on their own scales??? Its not healthy! And Ill tell you why I feel so strongly about this! Simple! weighing Inbetween weigh ins weekly leads to distaster I know very few people who get weighed and it doesnt mess with their heads! A mid week weigh in can go two ways you see a gain or a loss and the result of this is the same!! Eating! People either cant understand the gain, expected more of a gain or loose after they have had what they thought was a bad few days! This always causes people to feel elated or deflated and then they eat to compensate and they come to class to weigh in having had a rubbish week!!!! The starting point or turning point of this rubbish week coming from the scales 😁😥 My advice to anyone out there is dont do it, once a week is a good steady time to weigh in and gives your body a chance to adjust to the week good or bad, dont torment yourself and set yourself up to fail!!! Rant over! Food a bit random today and the last pic is a chickpea Dahl loaf a friend both gave me the recipe and the ingredients, I was a bit dubious but it tastes immense!
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 20:42:17 +0000

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