Day 151 of my amazing life. I was SO busy today. I had therapy - TopicsExpress


Day 151 of my amazing life. I was SO busy today. I had therapy today. Man did it make me tired. The minute my therapist put me on my belly, I was out. I feel asleep. No more exercises for me. While I was doing my exercises, my feet turned blue. They had never done that before. Mommy called my doctor right away. Doctor said that since my capillaries filled quickly that it could have been that I was just cold. My lips did not turn blue, so he told Mommy to keep socks on me and to keep looking at my feet to make sure they didnt keep turning blue. Has any of my friends ever had this? If so, can you tell my Mommy what she needs to keep an eye on or something to soothe her. She has been pretty worried since then. Prayers would be good to that this was just a one time thing. I have been really enjoying my cereal time. I dont eat a lot, but the key is that I am eating it. Im learning how to eat from a spoon, use my tongue and swallowing. These are all great things that I am doing on my own. My head is still really weak. I need to work on the strength to be able to lift my head. Im almost 5 months, so this is something I should be doing, but Im not. Mommy keeps says that Im part Mommy and part Daddy, even though Im Daddies mini me, and that I will be full of spunk and fight so I will kick this preemie thing in the butt. It may take me some time, but once I get it, watch out!!! Well, Mommy said its time to get into a night routine, so I got my breathing treatment, my bottle and my cereal, now its book reading time, then night nite. So until tomorrow, much love, Gabriella Marie
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 02:39:29 +0000

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