Day 18. Yesterday they found that I still have a lot of fluid in - TopicsExpress


Day 18. Yesterday they found that I still have a lot of fluid in my left lung. So before the lung collapsed or the fluid became infected, they decided that it was time to insert a chest tube. Lets just say that was not a pleasant experience, but I am breathing better now. Since yesterday around 530pm another 2.2 liters of fluid has drained from the lung, yet theres still a lot left. My other drain that is in my abdominal cavity isnt draining correctly, so theyre going to fix it Monday. Im pretty sure that all the complications they thought I may have, have all happened now. So on a positive note, can only go up from here. Ill be happy to have both drains working properly on Monday so we can get rid of all this junk for good! What I thought was going to be a 10-14 day quick recovery has really turned into quite the extended stay, as Im hoping that I can go home by the end of next week. I just want to make sure that they get everything and when I do go home, Ill be staying home! I am starting to get a little stir crazy, but I just think about how all of this is extending my life significantly and with that, all the memories Ill have of our children and Allie and I. Think about all the things we will get to do as a family, vacations, graduations, trips to Rondeau. Missing my babies terribly! Im grateful for all of your support and would like to ask my body to get on the same page as my mind, so we can get out of here! Your thoughts and prayers and positive well wishes are greatly appreciated! Heres to being home by December! Thank you all!!!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:39:52 +0000

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