Day 2 - Fresh Start with God “But those who trust in the Lord - TopicsExpress


Day 2 - Fresh Start with God “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” — Isaiah 40:31 NLT “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” — Isaiah 40:31 NLT On this second day into the New Year the quote from Robert Walker comes to mind, “Too many people go up like rockets and come down like rocks.” The reason for this reality is because most folks start their new year’s resolutions in their own strength. The first few weeks are great but then the weariness of the battle sets in and down they go. Not so with those that wait on the Lord for renewal. In today’s reading, we learn about God’s promise of strength for Israel as they remained in captivity. They were encouraged to be faithful by reflecting on God’s matchless sovereignty. This national refreshing would take place as they were released and returned to their land. Individually, they were able to take courage in this truth and so can you: God takes full responsibility for a life that is surrendered to Him. Like the Israelites, even though you are weary, expect that Lord will help you to soar like an eagle. He promises to lift you up emotionally and spiritually above your circumstances. God likes to use the example of an eagle as it is mentioned 38 times throughout His Word. But the frequency of this illustration is not for Himself but for His children. Research states that: “Eagles have a wing span of 2 meters and are around 90 cm. tall. Their nest is built in a safe place, often on the ledge of a sharp cliff. It is built to last and the largest nest reported is 9 1⁄2 feet wide and 20 feet deep. The eagle can see a rabbit two miles away. They have a separate eyelid, which slides across the eye sideways in order to keep the eye clean and free from dust as they fly. Their bones are hollow and therefore light of frame. Their frame has cross ribs like steel bars in skyscrapers. The eagle has 7,000 feathers. The back feathers are as long as the head feathers. Their beak is black until age of 3 years and then turns golden. When eagles are about 60 years old they go through a renewal process. They find a secret place high in the mountains and begin to claw at their face and tear out the feathers that have been damaged over the years. As a result, it bleeds badly. But this is necessary for the eagle in order to renew its strength. If it did not do this it would not be able to live to its normal 120 years of age.” The most interesting fact about eagles however, is that they can fly up to about 15,000 miles high and be up there for hours without needing a break. As you can see this amazing creation has great purpose and potential for greatness as do you. Therefore, as you begin a new year with some hopeful changes and goals in mind, do not make the same old mistake of trying to accomplish these endeavors in your own strength. Trust in the Lord to help you soar like the eagle. Now as amazing as an eagle is, the key to understanding this entire verse is the verb “wait” which means “to look for hope or to collect with expectation” God is calling you to trust Him by looking for His hope that He brings and by mentally collecting the reminders He provides through His Word. He also uses His servant leaders to direct you into a position of hope, making church a very important investment of your time. Remember, God has designed your faith to be as powerful as the wings of an eagle. Its time to take flight and soar after the plans God has for you in 2015. Submit over to Him every goal you have in prayer and rededicate your plans for His blessing. May God bless you as soar after God’s leading. Pastor Ray
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 12:00:00 +0000

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